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This Week in DevTools (February 11th, 2020)

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Patrick Brosset

Feb 12, 2020, 3:31:42 AM2/12/20
to dev-developer-tools

Hello DevTools fans!

Here is the weekly latest and greatest from the Firefox DevTools world.

All DevTools bugs fixed last week



  • `print`  and `pprint` console helpers were removed, as they’re not standard, provided little values in comparison to console APIs and are not defined in other browser DevTools (Bug 1613845 and 1613843 )

  • There’s now a way to disable autocomplete directly in the UI (Bug 1593607)

  • Eager Evaluation / LivePreview is in DevEdition (74). A lot of polish was done on this feature the past week (1613599, 1612956, 1610682, 1609941 )

  • Autoclose brackets - The Console panel input now respects the Autoclose brackets option. Console automatically inserts the corresponding closing element for quotes & brackets (bug).

Network Monitor

  • WebSocket Inspector supports WAMP protocol, including JSON, MsgPack and CBOR (bug). Available in the Network panel


  • Julian tracked down an issue that had made the build for our documentation website fail for some time now (bug 1613368). The site was fine, but the latest updates were not being pushed to it. This is now fixed!
  • We'll continue improving the onboarding docs on that site, and turn it into a simple, easy to digest, single page that points to other up-to-date resources wherever possible, to avoid duplication.
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