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typescript leading to harddisk driver failure ? (out of memory/kernel space ?)

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Skybuck Flying

Dec 5, 2022, 10:12:15 PM12/5/22
Following situation occuried:
1. forum section, typing a text, after the crash the text was recovered, does it save text on local harddisk ?
2. java/jcived was running.
3. a typescript game was attempting to load and build images a civ clone.

4. Windows 7 ran out of memory... 4.34 GB was used in task manager, the game loaded the civ1 files as I directed it to them... the memory usage went to 5.15 GB at which the game crashed. System is roughly limited to 5 GB.

5. I repeat the load procedure to discover what happened.

6. Other things were running as well like ms-dos prompt but also many youtube pages.

I have seen this harddisk driver failure one time before possibly.

The symptoms are:

1. The harddisk led is still burning.
2. Alt-tabbing is still possible.
3. Using my computer to navigate folders/files does not work anymore.
4. Any app that needs to load or saves hangs.
5. Task manager is still accessable.

Leading to my conclusion that somehow the harddisk driver was nuked, possibly caused by an out of memory situation, possibly somewhere deep in the i/o stack of windows/kernel space.

The mysterious thing is:

Why would typescript and it's image loading engine lead to a kernel space failure in Windows 7 home edition ?

Possibly the typescript implementation in Firefox is either:

1. Using an API that is not well supported in Windows 7.
2. A much more advanced I/O api that is error prone and defective to out of memory situation.

Much care should be payed to this possibly scenerio.

Typescript is still a brand new language and probably brand new interpreter and jit engine and compiler etc... possibly with new runtime library... maybe state of the art or maybe even old... not sure...

Technically... if true... then this could present a major attack vector against firefox and possible other web browser that use the same typescript implementation !

Blaming this crash on windows 7 is maybe taking it a bit too far/extreme, there is no garantuee that this bug does not exist in windows 10 or windows 11 !

My advise is:

1. Test the typescript image loading and image processing libraries extensively especially under heavy memory usage conditions with a pagefile.sys of 512 MB.

Load the system with other content until only 700 MB is free... then try and load the game above with civ1 files as a minimum test condition, repeat it a couple of times try to write a message on civfanatics forum... maybe the same behaviour will occur though I doubt it.

Another explanation could be that my repeated typing crashes the harddisk temporarely or something, but I find this less believable...

I am starting to believe that maybe typescript has/triggers some kind of vunerability !

So beware !

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