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Comments wanted on proposed FUEL-like Thunderbird interfaces

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Joey Minta

Nov 26, 2007, 7:00:48 PM11/26/07
to, dev-extensions
Ever since the first FUEL announcement, people have talked about a similar
extension API for Thunderbird. Like FUEL, these interfaces would streamline
access to common areas of the application's interfaces using syntax more
familiar to javascript developers. I've put together an initial proposal
for a set of interfaces that I think would be a reasonable start down that
path. I came up with the name "STEEL" after spending about 5 minutes
staring at the back of the seat in front of me on a holiday flight, and
accordingly, the interfaces are available for comment at

Right now, however, this proposal is based entirely on my own experiences
and very limited knowledge of the mail-news codebase from my previous work
on the Lightning project. Accordingly, I would love to collect other
thoughts on

- What are notoriously tricky areas for extension integration in
- What are valuable, but perhaps under-utilized, areas of extension
- What was your experience like building a Thunderbird extension?

Comments are welcome in these newsgroups, or on the wiki-page.


Nickolay Ponomarev

Nov 27, 2007, 8:05:41 AM11/27/07
to Joey Minta, dev-extensions,
On Nov 27, 2007 3:00 AM, Joey Minta <> wrote:
> Comments are welcome in these newsgroups, or on the wiki-page.
"The following interfaces can be copied straight over from FUEL"

I would recommend avoiding renaming the copied interfaces. It hurts
multi-application extensions.


Joey Minta

Nov 27, 2007, 8:28:21 AM11/27/07
to Nickolay Ponomarev, dev-extensions,

I had a chat with mfinkle about this yesterday. In reality, it doesn't
matter. One of the advantages of FUEL is that you never actually need to QI
any of its objects. Nor will you ever call createInstance/getService to
obtain then. In short, regardless of the name, the exact same code will
work in both Firefox and Thunderbird for these applications. As a result,
the naming is only for documentation purposes, at which point I thought the
'F' in FUEL was more confusing than a renaming.


Nov 27, 2007, 2:45:59 PM11/27/07
My experience building TB extensions is that its a whole lot harder
than FF. That may be because FF is better documented, or because web
programming experience translates better, or just because I'm stupid.
I don't know. I found myself digging through XULPlanet's MailNews
interface listing a lot though. Things seemed way too convoluted, and
I really wished something like this was around. I don't have a real
dev environment set up right now, but I'd be willing to help however
was possible.

Just glancing at the proposed interfaces, I didn't see an easy way to
get hold of the current displayed account/folder/message. Those things
should be children of Application I would think, and it should be easy
to listen for changes to them through an event listener on the
application. At least, there were times I wanted them. None of my
extension attempts ever came to real fruition though, so I can't
really speak as anyone who's had a whole lot of success.

Joey Minta

Nov 27, 2007, 3:15:21 PM11/27/07
On Nov 27, 2007 2:45 PM, <> wrote:

> My experience building TB extensions is that its a whole lot harder
> than FF. That may be because FF is better documented, or because web
> programming experience translates better, or just because I'm stupid.
> I don't know. I found myself digging through XULPlanet's MailNews
> interface listing a lot though. Things seemed way too convoluted, and
> I really wished something like this was around. I don't have a real
> dev environment set up right now, but I'd be willing to help however
> was possible.

This is exactly the type of problem we're trying to solve by having some
simple, up-front interfaces for the basic extension functions.

> Just glancing at the proposed interfaces, I didn't see an easy way to
> get hold of the current displayed account/folder/message. Those things
> should be children of Application I would think, and it should be easy
> to listen for changes to them through an event listener on the
> application. At least, there were times I wanted them.

I intended to address this with the onMsgShow event, accessible via
steelIApplication's addListener function. Every time a new message was
shown in the message pane (or maybe via a new window) this event would fire
and include the steelIMessage object for the displayed message.

Perhaps, however, we should elevate this to a more top-level area, with a
steelIView object. A preliminary sketch would look something like:

[scriptable, uuid(xxx)]
interface steelIView : nsISupports {
attribute steelIMessage currentMessage;
attribute steelIFolder currenFolder;

attribute unsigned long viewType;
const unsigned long TYPE_CLASSIC = 1;
const unsigned long TYPE_WIDE = 2;
const unsigned long TYPE_VERTICAL = 3;

I'm not sure that we gain a lot from this, but I'm open to be persuaded



Nov 27, 2007, 4:04:13 PM11/27/07
That would be great. And for your questions this was the first things
I thought about:

- What are notoriously tricky areas for extension integration in

* Compose window stuff. For example changing the From-address on-the-
fly for a single mail.
* Getting the plain text body of an email.
* Open a compose window with stuff defined. Like an attachment or body

- What was your experience like building a Thunderbird extension?

* Bad documentation. Mostly read source code because I couldn't find
other sources.
* Trial and error.

Alain Frisch

Jan 5, 2008, 3:01:51 PM1/5/08
WizKid wrote:
> - What are notoriously tricky areas for extension integration in
> Thunderbird?
> * Compose window stuff. For example changing the From-address on-the-
> fly for a single mail.
> * Getting the plain text body of an email.
> * Open a compose window with stuff defined. Like an attachment or body
> text.

* Send an e-mail with given headers/body/attachments. Here's the more
direct way I've found:

var sAccountManager =

var identity =

var gMsgCompose =

var params =

var compfields =

var progress =

var account = sAccountManager.defaultAccount; = ...;
compfields.subject = ...';
compfields.body = ...;

params.identity = identity;
params.composeFields = compfields;
params.format = 2; // PlainText

var tmp_win ="chrome://nostalgy/content/dummy_window.xul", "_blank",

setTimeout(function(){ tmp_win.minimize(); },2000);

gMsgCompose.Initialize(tmp_win, params );

identity, account.key, null, progress);

* Register callbacks to be applied once when some event occurs (e.g.
on a DeleteOrMoveMsgCompleted event, or when a message is completely
rendered in the preview pane).

> - What was your experience like building a Thunderbird extension?
> * Bad documentation. Mostly read source code because I couldn't find
> other sources.
> * Trial and error.

* Quite often, I've had to delay actions with setTimeout, otherwise some
GUI actions seem to be lost (e.g. give the focus to a widget immediatly
after un-hiding it does not seem to work; or the minimize in the code
above). This is probably related to the toolkit more than to TB, though
(and it is likely that I missed some important points about GUI
programming with the toolkit).

-- Alain


Jan 8, 2008, 5:29:32 AM1/8/08
On 27.11.2007 01:00 »Joey Minta« wrote

> Right now, however, this proposal is based entirely on my own experiences
> and very limited knowledge of the mail-news codebase
> - What was your experience like building a Thunderbird extension?
> ...

> Comments are welcome in these newsgroups, or on the wiki-page.

Hi Joey,
not sure if you can help on this:
I'm searching how to directly accessing a msg's 'Message-ID' after/with
sending a message out.
From my understanding there is no return value with eg.

But maybe you -- or someone else -- has a good reliable solution for this??

Karsten Düsterloh

Mar 1, 2008, 11:47:33 AM3/1/08
Joey Minta aber hob zu reden an und schrieb:

> Right now, however, this proposal is based entirely on my own experiences
> and very limited knowledge of the mail-news codebase from my previous work
> on the Lightning project.

My main concern here is where such an API - which by nature is not
UI-dependent - will reside in the source. Especially Thunderbird and
SeaMonkey share many UI _tasks_, although not the UI or the actual code,
so such an API "negotiating" between frontend and backend code could
well serve both apps.
We really should think about a "shared js component directory" under

Feel free to correct my English. :)

Dan Mosedale

Mar 4, 2008, 12:11:46 AM3/4/08
Karsten Düsterloh wrote:
> My main concern here is where such an API - which by nature is not
> UI-dependent - will reside in the source. Especially Thunderbird and
> SeaMonkey share many UI _tasks_, although not the UI or the actual code,
> so such an API "negotiating" between frontend and backend code could
> well serve both apps.
> We really should think about a "shared js component directory" under
> /mailnews.

Sounds sane to me. Almost wanting to be named mailnews/toolkit (or


Karsten Düsterloh

Mar 4, 2008, 1:49:31 PM3/4/08
Dan Mosedale aber hob zu reden an und schrieb:

>> We really should think about a "shared js component directory" under
>> /mailnews.
> Sounds sane to me. Almost wanting to be named mailnews/toolkit (or
> mail/toolkit).

Since SM's distinct mailnews UI (except some larger shared parts) will
move out of /mailnews, /mailnews seems to be a better place for shared
stuff than /mail...
(See also bug 390262.)

Dan Mosedale

Mar 4, 2008, 6:40:08 PM3/4/08
Karsten Düsterloh wrote:
> Dan Mosedale aber hob zu reden an und schrieb:
>>> We really should think about a "shared js component directory" under
>>> /mailnews.
>> Sounds sane to me. Almost wanting to be named mailnews/toolkit (or
>> mail/toolkit).
> Since SM's distinct mailnews UI (except some larger shared parts) will
> move out of /mailnews, /mailnews seems to be a better place for shared
> stuff than /mail...
> (See also bug 390262.)

Yeah, I wasn't aware of that move when I posted. Your suggestion makes
sense, I think.


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