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07.07.2022 test

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nntp test

Jul 7, 2022, 8:23:26 AM7/7/22
22-07-07 18:22:32.226895 443944 debug connection | Received
on the connection #304 (main/management/16118) message:
head_set_control_request(message_id: 2, settings(object_id: 1,
is_raw_data_sending: true, is_channel_layer_data_sending: true,
is_traffic_control_disabled: false), items: [ipv4(object_id: 1,
criterion_id: 1, condition: ""), protocol_group(object_id:
1, criterion_id: 1, condition: "mail")]), reference #1498979
2022-07-07 18:22:32.227041 443950 debug task-handler |
Handling the task: head_set_control_request(message_id: 2,
settings(object_id: 1, is_raw_data_sending: true,
is_channel_layer_data_sending: true, is_traffic_control_disabled:
false), items: [ipv4(object_id: 1, criterion_id: 1, condition:
""), protocol_group(object_id: 1, criterion_id: 1,
condition: "mail")]), reference #1498979
2022-07-07 18:22:32.227155 443950 debug coll-connection |
Sending on the connection #303 (melon, collector, localhost:22000)
message: set_control_request(message_id: 1498980, rule_id: {object_id:
1, criterion_id: 1}, condition: [predicate(comparator: equal, attribute:
ip(, logical_and, predicate(comparator: equal,
attribute: application_protocol_group(mail))])
2022-07-07 18:22:32.227261 443950 debug mgmt-channel |
Sending on the connection #304 (main/management/16118) message:
head_set_control_response(message_id: 2, items: [{object_id: 1,
criterion_id: 1, status: 1}]), reference #1498979
2022-07-07 18:22:32.227725 443943 debug connection |
Received on the connection #303 (melon, collector, localhost:22000)
message: set_control_response(message_id: 1498980, error_code: 0,
error_message: ""), reference #1498982
2022-07-07 18:22:32.237839 443974 debug task-handler |
Handling the task: set_control_response(message_id: 1498980, error_code:
0, error_message: ""), reference #1498982
2022-07-07 18:22:43.441826 443986 info data-buff-stat | The
"data_buffers" memory resource statistics (snapshot):
2022-07-07 18:22:43.441868 443986 info data-buff-stat |
total bytes allocated for data buffers: 163667968
2022-07-07 18:22:43.441887 443986 info data-buff-stat |
total managed bytes for data buffers in use: 0
0 new messages