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Apr 1, 2022, 8:57:34 PM4/1/22
History repeats itself. COVID-19 booster shot #2 early after Moderna's
was finally approved for those who need it like weak people like old
people and me. So far, no side effects like the last 3 (last booster
shot was a few days before Halloween 2021) since slammy Thursday 8 AM
PDT (have been sleeping & waking up early as an early ant (e.g., passed
out after 9:18 PM PDT last night & just woke up b4 3 AM PDT today) so
this was perfect). With the past shots, side effects resulted about 12
hrs. l8r 4 a few days. Weird/Odd! Did this shot failed? Also, time 2
move nest again. BTW, April Fool's Day & TGIF! Also, no shot yet (maybe
next week). :D
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