For many Firefox users, they do not have access to a
device that can provide a location such as a GPS, a
Wifi->location service, etc. For these uses, it may be
enough to let them set there location in some UI. I
created an addon for Firefox (nightlies) that both
enables a UI for Firefox, but also allows the user to
set their location [2].
Clearly this isn't the complete story, of course. Many
of us have laptops and all of which have wifi. And
there are very good Wifi->location providers available.
GPSs are getting cheaper, and they are available
everywhere. Not taking advantage of these devices
seems to miss the point. So, the implementation has a
plugable nature such that 3rd parties can drop in a
component, and ta-da, it just works. For example, I
created a NMEA extension that provides the glue needed
between most gps devices and firefox [3].
I would love to be able to get the UI support in
Firefox. This would allow the "extension" to be more
or less the glue between a geolocation device and
mozilla. We do not have to do the fancy "user defined
position" stuff in the extension, just some info bar
UI... something like [5]
Does this seem like the right approach to everyone?
Why "in Firefox" and not "in Toolkit, overrideable by XULRunner apps"
just like we have it for download manager? I guess that a bunch of other
toolkit-based applications would want such UI as well, and it doesn't
sound like something we should all copy from FF if we could share it.
Robert Kaiser