Moving to, the right list for this question. IIRC this is from their recent push in triaging the 1000+ bugs in their product.
- Mike Kelly
On 9/27/14 1:45 PM, David E. Ross wrote:
> A number of bug reports against were closed within
> the past week with the following comment:
> > Thanks for filing this. Due to resource constraints we are closing
> > bugs which we won't realistically be able to fix. If you have a
> > patch that applies to this bug please reopen.
> Most of these reported actual discrepancies and errors, not requests for
> enhancements. Sweeping such errors under a rug does not remove the fact
> that they are indeed errors.
> Is no longer being maintained? Or is it being
> maintained only for Firefox? What happened to the idea that
> should become even more comprehensive but with better
> rigor in vetting extensions (e.g., requiring them to the signed)?