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Full app requires access to client devices

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Larry Irwin

Jul 15, 2009, 5:45:15 PM7/15/09
Hi All,

I have a full-blown medical practice management system completely ported to
an n-tier, AJAX environment.
The application is data-entry intensive and runs exceptionally well in the
new environment...
I have to have access to devices, word-processors, etc. to satisfy clients
This is possible using IE, but is not currently possible using FireFox and
it's derivatives.

We have small apps that run on the client to handle certain functions:
1) Scanning/Viewing/Editing of images from TWAIN/ISIS (Windows) and
SANE(Linux) compliant scanners
2) Printing of our complete suite of Crystal XI reports (WIndows/Linux Wine)
3) Automation of EDI transfers with insurance carriers and other healthcare

Is there something I am missing?
Is the community so against the ability of the browser to interact with the
client that mozilla-based browsers will never be truly functional for full
blown expert applications?

I know the security issues when "browsing the net", but for an AJAX
application being served up on the intranet, seamlessness is what makes it
easy for a user to learn a product. And I really am a champion of not being
married to any particular OS...

I'm hoping to hear that this is something that has already been addressed
during the current AJAX boom...
I've just not been able to locate a thing and that leaves me stuck with

Thanks for any insight you can provide,
Larry Irwin
CCA Medical
AIM: mkitwrk
Skype: larry_irwin

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