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Original FREE music

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Carlos González

Feb 12, 2014, 9:56:22 AM2/12/14
Hello, my name is Carlos Gonzalez Herrera and I'm a Spanish composer.
I love videogames and since I was a child my goal has been to become a videogame's music composer and try to, with my music, make people feel what I feel while listening to my favorite soundtracks. So far I have worked on two indie games and several TV/Film scenes, but I'm always looking for more chances to meet people and collaborate with them.

I'm writing this mail to announce that, in mid-spring, I will record in London with a 50-musicians symphonic orchestra. For this London project I have to make the score for either a film or a videogame that lasts around 3 minutes. I would love to use this chance to score for an original game. This collaboration would be completely free and I think that it is a great opportunity to get great-quality music.

If you want to check some of my works you can check the following links:

I would also like to use this mail to offer my collaboration with upcoming or ongoing projects that might call for music or sound effects.
I hope to hear from you soon.

Best Regards, Carlos.
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