Mozilla is planning to sponsor the Hack in the Box Security Conference & Haxpo event happening from May 28-30, 2104. We are planning to:
• Sponsor and participate in running a developer competition (“HackWeekDay" see [1])
• Run a Mozilla booth (hopefully run by staff and community) at the associated HITBSecConf & Haxpo [2] conferences
The Mozilla security team is regularly involved with HITBSecConf in Amsterdam, but this time the conference is aiming to reach a much large audience. So in addition to just being involved in the competition, I was hoping to run demos & promote Mozilla projects at booth that are relevant to the general public, not just the security people. I’m open to suggestions, but I was thinking demos of projects like Web Maker, Open Badges, Firefox OS and encourage participation in the local Mozilla community etc. Perhaps there are local Mozilla community projects or activities that you think we should be promoting here?
So mainly I’m looking for volunteers to help organise and/or help run the Mozilla booth at this event. Most importantly we need:
- help running the booth (Most importantly on May 29th, which is the main day)
- help recruiting developers for the HackWeekDay competition (or register yourself!)
- supply local knowledge ! (I’m based in Sydney, Australia, and I have never been to the Netherlands...)
ACTION: If you can help (especially with running booth!), please get in touch with me at this email address.
Paul Theriault
Security Manager, Firefox OS
[1] *
* note that the competition will likely be focused on Firefox OS Apps instead of the SOS app as described currently on this site