Gorjan Jovanovski
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to Mike Dupont, Balkans, Andreea Popescu, Altin Ukshini, Papadeas Pierros, Gorjan Jovanovski, Brian King, Kerim Kalamujic, Christos Bacharakis, Baadur Jobava
Hey all,
Reminder, today at 19:00 CET we have the long-overdue informal catchup of
the Balkans crew! :D
For simplicity sake, we can use Discord this time around (no need to add
each other on Skype, and we can change it next time if needed).
I've created a room we can use, so feel free to join via
Once in, you can click on the "General" voice channel to join the voice
chat. Please do mute when not talking just so we avoid echos :D
[image: image.png]
Talk to you all at 19:00!
On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 2:14 PM Mike Dupont <