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RE: Promoting Firefox 4.0 (Igor Georgioski)

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Igor Georgioski

Jan 20, 2011, 6:27:28 PM1/20/11
I'm new at this so sorry for any mistake :)
I see you are discussing for Promoting FF 4.0, so I'll give my opinion for this. 
You are planning to promote FF 4.0 with balloons. This is great idea. On those balloons we can put MFF logo on them, big number 4 on the logo and bellow "download at:" as a moto (or something like that). Now filling with helium. Thats more expensive but it's more practice. But that have bad and good sides. Good side that is more practice, and bad side that they will crack in the air on minus temperatures (or approximately 0). I agree with Gorjan that balloons will be vandalized before anyone actually sees them (sry for copy). So we have to do that at morning hours (according to that who when gets up from bed :D). And if there are more balloons we could give to someone children, parents - thats good way too. And i have read somewhere billboards. And why there not to be some manifestations in all countries? This is my view of all mails that I've read those days. 
Sry If i made some mistakes :)

> From:
> Subject: community-balkans Digest, Vol 8, Issue 9
> To:
> Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2011 12:00:31 -0800
> Send community-balkans mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of community-balkans digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: We have been awarded (Mike Dupont)
> 2. Re: community-balkans Digest, Vol 8, Issue 8 (Mary Colvig)
> 3. Re: Promoting Firefox 4.0 (Gorjan Jovanovski)
> 4. Re: Promoting Firefox 4.0 (Aleksandar Savi?)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 21:15:29 +0100
> From: Mike Dupont <>
> To: Altin Ukshini <>
> Cc:, Milos Dinic
> <>, Gent Tha?i <>, info
> <>
> Subject: Re: We have been awarded
> Message-ID:
> <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> great news!
> On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 11:00 PM, Altin Ukshini <>wrote:
> > Congratulations :) !
> >
> > --
> > Altin Ukshini
> > Blog:
> > Google Profiles:
> > Phone: +37744247980
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 2:50 PM, Gent Tha?i <> wrote:
> >
> >> Congratulations!
> >>
> >>
> >> On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 04:39, Milos Dinic <>wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hello guys and gals,
> >>>
> >>> I'm not sure if you already know, but French community recognised Mozilla
> >>> Balkans as one of the brightest stars in Mozilla constellation in 2010 >
> >>> .
> >>>
> >>> Thank you everyone for making this Mozilla Balkans happen!
> >>> Milos.
> >>> _______________________________________________
> >>> community-balkans mailing list
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Gent Tha?i
> >> Link:
> >> Phone: +37745424760
> >>
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> community-balkans mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > community-balkans mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> James Michael DuPont
> Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova and Albania
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL: <>
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 13:19:19 -0800 (PST)
> From: Mary Colvig <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: community-balkans Digest, Vol 8, Issue 8
> Message-ID:
> <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Hi all: I just want to chime in around the launch date. We still don't have one and always work towards making the best product possible vs. shipping on a hard fast date :( We're going to suggest that people plan events and parties towards mid-to-late March.
> If you want to get more involved in the launch of Firefox 4 I suggest you join the "launch" team that is forming:
> We'll be discussing overall campaigns, regional campaigns, launch parties and more.
> Thanks!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 12:00:31 PM
> Subject: community-balkans Digest, Vol 8, Issue 8
> Send community-balkans mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of community-balkans digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Minutes of today's meeting (Matjaz Horvat)
> 2. Re: We have been awarded (Altin Ukshini)
> 3. Promoting Firefox 4.0 (????? ??????????)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2011 21:23:32 +0100
> From: Matjaz Horvat <>
> To: Balkans <>
> Subject: Minutes of today's meeting
> Message-ID:
> <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Here you go guys:
> Matja?
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL: <>
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2011 23:00:19 +0100
> From: Altin Ukshini <>
> To: Gent Tha?i <>
> Cc:, Milos Dinic
> <>
> Subject: Re: We have been awarded
> Message-ID:
> <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Congratulations :) !
> --
> Altin Ukshini
> Blog:
> Google Profiles:
> Phone: +37744247980
> On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 2:50 PM, Gent Tha?i <> wrote:
> > Congratulations!
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 04:39, Milos Dinic <>wrote:
> >
> >> Hello guys and gals,
> >>
> >> I'm not sure if you already know, but French community recognised Mozilla
> >> Balkans as one of the brightest stars in Mozilla constellation in 2010 >
> >> .
> >>
> >> Thank you everyone for making this Mozilla Balkans happen!
> >> Milos.
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> community-balkans mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Gent Tha?i
> > Link:
> > Phone: +37745424760
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > community-balkans mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL: <>
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 01:23:19 +0100
> From: ????? ?????????? <>
> To: Balkans <>
> Subject: Promoting Firefox 4.0
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> Hello again,
> Me and Gorjan talked about how we could promote FF 4. He told about your
> Ideas that were shared on the call and we came up with something we
> would like to share.
> We agreed since Mozilla Balkans is becoming a somewhat of a brand all of
> us should do a similar promotion. I understood everyone liked my idea
> about the balloons, but unfortunately Gorjan miss understood me and
> presented it the wrong(more difficult) way to you. The original idea was
> this.
> We were to put balloons on the squares (or another popular place) in
> several cities the night before the FF release. The balloons were to
> look like this: with some text or a
> logo or something like that printed on them that would resemble FF and
> point to a download location. If possible we could also place some
> billboards near the balloons.
> I understand that Gorjan told you that the balloons were to be filled
> with helium. That's a bad idea because they would "deflate" in a couple
> of hours.
> This was the original idea, I hope you'll like it better. Another thing
> we should do (I don't know if this was brought up on the meeting) is,
> since Mozilla Balkans is becoming somewhat of a brand we should do
> similar if not exactly the same promotions of FF 4. In order to do this
> effectively as soon as we get a release date for the new version a
> meeting should be held in order to discuss this more effectively.
> All of you please share any ideas that you have on your mind and lets do
> this right.
> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> community-balkans mailing list
> End of community-balkans Digest, Vol 8, Issue 8
> ***********************************************
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2011 15:37:58 +0100
> From: Gorjan Jovanovski <>
> To: ????? ?????????? <>
> Cc: Balkans <>
> Subject: Re: Promoting Firefox 4.0
> Message-ID:
> <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> See that's what happens when you let me talk :P
> Anyway this idea seems just as swell, but there are 2 problems. They
> will deflate in the cold night air anyway, and they will probobly be
> vandalized before anyone actually sees them. But if we can do this
> during the day, in rush hour, say 20 people march in, each with a
> balloon in their hand and we all form a FX4 or Fireofox sign, now that
> will turn heads :)
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2011 16:15:26 +0100
> From: Aleksandar Savi? <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: Promoting Firefox 4.0
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> or we can form balloon wall with firefox logo and number four or easily
> to use firefox text instead of logo
> Some examples:
> we can hang it on one big building (of course if they agree) or behind a
> desk where people will find more info about firefox 4 :)
> what you think about that?
> On 20.1.2011 15:37, Gorjan Jovanovski wrote:
> > See that's what happens when you let me talk :P
> > Anyway this idea seems just as swell, but there are 2 problems. They
> > will deflate in the cold night air anyway, and they will probobly be
> > vandalized before anyone actually sees them. But if we can do this
> > during the day, in rush hour, say 20 people march in, each with a
> > balloon in their hand and we all form a FX4 or Fireofox sign, now that
> > will turn heads :)
> > _______________________________________________
> > community-balkans mailing list
> >
> >
> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> community-balkans mailing list
> End of community-balkans Digest, Vol 8, Issue 9
> ***********************************************

Γιώργος Φιωτάκης

Jan 20, 2011, 8:19:31 PM1/20/11
Earlier today i got a much more simple idea about promoting Firefox 4
that doesn't however include balloons.

Balloons look great but there's a number of issues to be addressed
before it can be implemented

1) There's a cost for them, not only economic but also on time.
Unless there's only the logo and a number on them (which means no need
for special localized text for each community), every community has
to make their own which takes time (market search etc.) Even if there's
one vendor for all there has to be a distribution channel.

2) That takes a lot of persons being at the same time, at the same
place. It sure is fun but since i'm quite older than you guys, the image
of an almost-40-year-old- guy with colourful balloons surrounded by 2-3
geeky looking persons is rather ridiculous, if not suspicious... :)

So here's what i thought as an alternative:

The idea came actually by an image i saw here:

It's a funny pic and a good concept imho.

Now, take out the pic of that guy and the text in red and replace the
pic with the Mozilla Firefox logo (or even better with the number 4
which seems more provocative in my mind) and the text with something
like "It's out! Get it now!. Add the "" url where the
funny little tear-out pieces are and you have an easy and cheap DIY
promotional material which can be spread all over town by anyone and you
actually want it to be vandalized. :)

I'll try to make a couple of previews tomorrow, if i have the time,
since it's a little late -even for me- right now and perhaps i can't
express the idea right.

Bogomil Shopov - Mozilla Bulgaria

Jan 21, 2011, 1:25:20 PM1/21/11
On 01/21/2011 03:19 AM, Γιώργος Φιωτάκης wrote:
> Earlier today i got a much more simple idea about promoting Firefox 4
> that doesn't however include balloons.
> Balloons look great but there's a number of issues to be addressed
> before it can be implemented
> 1) There's a cost for them, not only economic but also on time.
> Unless there's only the logo and a number on them (which means no need
> for special localized text for each community), every community has
> to make their own which takes time (market search etc.) Even if
> there's one vendor for all there has to be a distribution channel.
> 2) That takes a lot of persons being at the same time, at the same
> place. It sure is fun but since i'm quite older than you guys, the
> image of an almost-40-year-old- guy with colourful balloons surrounded
> by 2-3 geeky looking persons is rather ridiculous, if not
> suspicious... :)
> So here's what i thought as an alternative:
> The idea came actually by an image i saw here:

AWESOME Γιώργος !!! Ευχαριστώ για την ιδέα!

Thanks for the idea :)

> It's a funny pic and a good concept imho.
> Now, take out the pic of that guy and the text in red and replace the
> pic with the Mozilla Firefox logo (or even better with the number 4
> which seems more provocative in my mind) and the text with something
> like "It's out! Get it now!. Add the "" url where
> the funny little tear-out pieces are and you have an easy and cheap
> DIY promotional material which can be spread all over town by anyone
> and you actually want it to be vandalized. :)
> I'll try to make a couple of previews tomorrow, if i have the time,
> since it's a little late -even for me- right now and perhaps i can't
> express the idea right.

Matjaz Horvat

Jan 21, 2011, 2:26:03 PM1/21/11
to Γιώργος Φιωτάκης,
Γιώργος, this is a great idea!

2011/1/21 Γιώργος Φιωτάκης <>
Earlier today i got a much more simple idea about promoting Firefox 4 that doesn't however include balloons.

Balloons look great but there's a number of issues to be addressed before it can be implemented

1) There's a cost for them, not only economic but also on time.
Unless there's only the logo and a number on them (which means no need for special localized text for each community), every community has
to make their own which takes time (market search etc.) Even if there's one vendor for all there has to be a distribution channel.

2) That takes a lot of persons being at the same time, at the same place. It sure is fun but since i'm quite older than you guys, the image of an almost-40-year-old- guy with colourful balloons surrounded by 2-3 geeky looking persons is rather ridiculous, if not suspicious...  :)

So here's what i thought as an alternative:

The idea came actually by an image i saw here:

William Quiviger

Jan 21, 2011, 2:48:50 PM1/21/11
to Matjaz Horvat, Γιώργος Φιωτάκης,
+1 !!!!!!!

Gent Thaçi

Jan 21, 2011, 3:14:47 PM1/21/11
to Γιώργος Φιωτάκης,
Amazing, I really like your idea. Waiting for previews!


Milos Dinic

Jan 21, 2011, 3:21:21 PM1/21/11
So simple, yet so awesome! Very good idea. So good that we should ask every other community to do the same, and call it a Great Firefox Campaign.

Pall Mall,
Think about it.


Jan 21, 2011, 5:32:51 PM1/21/11
Seal of approval

On 01/21/2011 09:21 PM, Milos Dinic wrote:
So simple, yet so awesome! Very good idea. So good that we should ask every other community to do the same, and call it a Great Firefox Campaign.

Pall Mall,
Think about it.

On 01/21/2011 09:14 PM, Gent Thaçi wrote:
Amazing, I really like your idea. Waiting for previews!


2011/1/21 οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½ οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½ <>
Earlier today i got a much more simple idea about promoting Firefox 4 that doesn't however include balloons.

Balloons look great but there's a number of issues to be addressed before it can be implemented

1) There's a cost for them, not only economic but also on time.
Unless there's only the logo and a number on them (which means no need for special localized text for each community), every community has
to make their own which takes time (market search etc.) Even if there's one vendor for all there has to be a distribution channel.

2) That takes a lot of persons being at the same time, at the same place. It sure is fun but since i'm quite older than you guys, the image of an almost-40-year-old- guy with colourful balloons surrounded by 2-3 geeky looking persons is rather ridiculous, if not suspicious... οΏ½:)

So here's what i thought as an alternative:

The idea came actually by an image i saw here:

It's a funny pic and a good concept imho.

Now, take out the pic of that guy and the text in red and replace the pic with the Mozilla Firefox logo (or even better with the number 4 which seems more provocative in my mind) and the text with something like "It's out! Get it now!. Add the "" url where the funny little tear-out pieces are and you have an easy and cheap DIY promotional material which can be spread all over town by anyone and you actually want it to be vandalized. :)

I'll try to make a couple of previews tomorrow, if i have the time, since it's a little late -even for me- right now and perhaps i can't express the idea right.

community-balkans mailing list
_______________________________________________ community-balkans mailing list


Jan 23, 2011, 3:09:30 PM1/23/11
Hi everyone!

Here is a simple and clean preview for the suggested idea.

Looking forward to you comments,
Goce Mitevski

Pierros Papadeas

Jan 23, 2011, 3:24:10 PM1/23/11
to GoceMitevski,
Seems awesome :)

3 notes though :

- "4" has to be more on the box (more visible but still cut)
- Please use "free" ways to distribute your work :) (Our wiki can be a
nice solution!)
- Please upload the .svg so we can localize and see the structure of
the artwork..

Nice job!

Pierros Papadeas
PGP key: 0x6130DBF8
liknus @ GRnet , Freenode

Gent Thaçi

Jan 23, 2011, 4:06:38 PM1/23/11
to GoceMitevski,
Wow, nice work. I like it!

Also I agree with Pierros!

Aleksandar Savić

Jan 23, 2011, 4:21:22 PM1/23/11
it is awesome , I agree that number 4 should be more up so we can see
horizontal line of number 4 and if you could publish also .psd of it

On 23.1.2011 22:06, Gent Thaçi wrote:
> Wow, nice work. I like it!
> Also I agree with Pierros!

> _______________________________________________
> community-balkans mailing list

Aleksandar Savić
Mozilla Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina Member
Mozilla Student Rep and Mozilla User Support (SUMO)

Pierros Papadeas

Jan 23, 2011, 4:24:51 PM1/23/11
to Aleksandar Savić,
2011/1/23 Aleksandar Savić <>:

> it is awesome , I agree that number 4 should be more up so we can see
> horizontal line of number 4 and if you could publish also .psd of it

.psd ? You mean the .svg ...


> On 23.1.2011 22:06, Gent Thaçi wrote:
>> Wow, nice work. I like it!
>> Also I agree with Pierros!
>> _______________________________________________
>> community-balkans mailing list
> --
> Aleksandar Savić
> Mozilla Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina Member
> Mozilla Student Rep and Mozilla User Support (SUMO)
> _______________________________________________
> community-balkans mailing list



Jan 23, 2011, 4:45:28 PM1/23/11
Thanks for the quick feedback!

I will upload an edited SVG version shortly.


Matjaz Horvat

Jan 24, 2011, 2:35:11 AM1/24/11
to Pierros Papadeas, Aleksandar Savić,
I love this idea an the implementation of it!

Great job, Goce!

2011/1/23 Pierros Papadeas <>

Emu Bird

Jan 24, 2011, 2:46:36 AM1/24/11
Hi,I have a little suggestion. If I know right, Firefox 4 and Firefox
Mobile 4 is going to be released at the same time. So I think that one
QRCode linking Firefox Mobile download page will be good addition to our poster.Regards,Emil Stanchev - Emu

>-------- Оригинално писмо --------
>От: Matjaz Horvat
>Относно: Re: Promoting Firefox 4.0 (Igor Georgioski)
>До: Pierros Papadeas
>Изпратено на: Понеделник, 2011, Януари 24 09:35:11 EET

> I love this idea an the implementation of it!Great job, Goce!2011/1/23 Pierros Papadeas

> 2011/1/23 Aleksandar Savić :

Aleksandar Savić

Jan 24, 2011, 6:54:44 AM1/24/11
Emu that is good idea !
one thing more if people take all of papers that are on bottom ,were
they will find download link , I think there should be download link
and QRCode link on poster and on small papers too,

I really requested .PSD or .AI whatever you want (I'm adobe user) and
I usually have problems with color on .svg files :(


Jan 24, 2011, 6:59:07 AM1/24/11

The vector version is uploaded on the Mozilla Wiki:

Since Inkscape only supports a few blending modes for layers I had to
compensate, resulting in a bit more pale look of the poster. I'm not
sure if I mentioned that the poster is prepared as an A4 document.

The "4" is now less hidden and easier to distinguish.

I like the idea with the QRCode code.


Pierros Papadeas

Jan 24, 2011, 7:04:43 AM1/24/11
to Aleksandar Savić,
> @pierros
>  I really requested .PSD or .AI whatever you want (I'm adobe user) and I
> usually have problems with color on .svg files :(

SVG can be opened by both AI and Inkscpape, thus it is named universal
and free format. (or standard)
PSD or AI are file formats "only" for Adobe programs and you cannot
request from anyone to have a proprietary OS and/or software in terms
of distribution.

We are an Open Web and Open Standards Community... *please* respect that.


Jan 24, 2011, 7:13:40 AM1/24/11
>> SVG can be opened by both AI and Inkscpape, thus it is named universal
>> and free format. (or standard)

I suggest editing the file with Inkscape as it's not been optimized
for Adobe Illustrator.


William Quiviger

Jan 24, 2011, 7:47:49 AM1/24/11
to Aleksandar Savić,
Yes, it will definitely be great to have a QR code on it!


On 24 janv. 2011, at 12:54, Aleksandar Savić <> wrote:

> Emu that is good idea !
> one thing more if people take all of papers that are on bottom ,were they will find download link , I think there should be download link and QRCode link on poster and on small papers too,

> @pierros
> I really requested .PSD or .AI whatever you want (I'm adobe user) and I usually have problems with color on .svg files :(

>> > --
>> > Pierros Papadeas
>> > PGP key: 0x6130DBF8
>> >
>> >
>> > liknus @ GRnet , Freenode

>> > _______________________________________________
>> > community-balkans mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> _______________________________________________
>> community-balkans mailing list
> --
> Aleksandar Savić
> Mozilla Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina Member
> Mozilla Student Rep and Mozilla User Support (SUMO)

William Quiviger

Jan 24, 2011, 7:51:53 AM1/24/11
to Pierros Papadeas, Aleksandar Savić,
On 24 janv. 2011, at 13:04, Pierros Papadeas <> wrote:

>> @pierros
>> I really requested .PSD or .AI whatever you want (I'm adobe user) and I
>> usually have problems with color on .svg files :(

> SVG can be opened by both AI and Inkscpape, thus it is named universal
> and free format. (or standard)

> PSD or AI are file formats "only" for Adobe programs and you cannot
> request from anyone to have a proprietary OS and/or software in terms
> of distribution.
> We are an Open Web and Open Standards Community... *please* respect that.


In general, for all types of media we work with, we always have to make sure an open format is available.

Encouraging the use of open formats and promoting open standards is one of the pillars of the Mozilla mission.

> ~π

Bogomil Shopov - Mozilla Bulgaria

Jan 24, 2011, 8:08:08 AM1/24/11
to GoceMitevski,
On 01/23/2011 10:09 PM, GoceMitevski wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> Here is a simple and clean preview for the suggested idea.
Thanks for the idea, but it seems unclear for anyone who doesn't know
what is this fox about. It can be good if we put Firefox name somewhere.

+1 for the QR code

Gent Thaçi

Jan 24, 2011, 11:14:51 AM1/24/11
to Emu Bird,
I am too for the QR code!

On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 06:46, Emu Bird <> wrote:
Hi,I have a little suggestion. If I know right, Firefox 4 and Firefox
Mobile 4 is going to be released at the same time. So I think that one
QRCode linking Firefox Mobile download page will be good addition to our poster.Regards,Emil Stanchev - Emu

 >-------- Оригинално писмо --------
 >От: Matjaz Horvat
 >Относно: Re: Promoting Firefox 4.0 (Igor Georgioski)
 >До: Pierros Papadeas
 >Изпратено на: Понеделник, 2011, Януари 24 09:35:11 EET

 > I love this idea an the implementation of it!Great job, Goce!2011/1/23 Pierros Papadeas
 > 2011/1/23 Aleksandar Savić :
 > > it is awesome , I agree that number 4 should be more up so we can see
 > > horizontal line of number 4 and if you could publish also .psd of it
 > .psd ? You mean the .svg ...
 > ;)
 > > On 23.1.2011 22:06, Gent Thaçi wrote:
 > >>
 > >> Wow, nice work. I like it!
 > >>
 > >> Also I agree with Pierros!
 > >>
 > >> _______________________________________________
 > >> community-balkans mailing list
 > >>
 > >>
 > >
 > > --
 > > Aleksandar Savić
 > > Mozilla Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina Member
 > > Mozilla Student Rep and Mozilla User Support (SUMO)
 > > _______________________________________________
 > > community-balkans mailing list
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > --
 > Pierros Papadeas
 > PGP key: 0x6130DBF8
 > liknus @ GRnet , Freenode
 > _______________________________________________
 > community-balkans mailing list
community-balkans mailing list

Gent Thaçi

Goce Mitevski

Jan 26, 2011, 7:37:47 AM1/26/11
Hi everyone,

Here is another preview of the poster, now with a QR code.

This is still a work in progress as I think some short explanation for
the QR code is required, for example: "Scan this image with your
phone". Or, maybe not?

Goce Mitevski

Milos Dinic

Jan 26, 2011, 7:46:21 AM1/26/11
I greet the idea. I'd just rather promote local community websites,
rather than


Alina M.

Jan 26, 2011, 7:46:56 AM1/26/11
+1 Milos .

Alina M.

> I greet the idea. I'd just rather promote local community websites,
> rather than
> Milos.
> On 01/26/2011 01:37 PM, Goce Mitevski wrote:

Aleksandar Savić

Jan 26, 2011, 7:48:33 AM1/26/11
+1 milos and I wanted to say QRcode readers instead od QRcode on their
phones :)

On 26.1.2011 13:46, Milos Dinic wrote:
> I greet the idea. I'd just rather promote local community websites,
> rather than
> Milos.
> On 01/26/2011 01:37 PM, Goce Mitevski wrote:

>> _______________________________________________
>> community-balkans mailing list
> _______________________________________________
> community-balkans mailing list


Matjaz Horvat

Jan 26, 2011, 7:55:11 AM1/26/11
to Aleksandar Savić,
That's the idea of using SVG: you can localize the poster. And not only translate it. ;)

2011/1/26 Aleksandar Savić <>
+1 milos and I wanted to say QRcode readers instead od QRcode on their phones :)

On 26.1.2011 13:46, Milos Dinic wrote:
I greet the idea. I'd just rather promote local community websites, rather than


On 01/26/2011 01:37 PM, Goce Mitevski wrote:
community-balkans mailing list

community-balkans mailing list

Gorjan Jovanovski

Jan 26, 2011, 8:00:17 AM1/26/11
to Matjaz Horvat, Aleksandar Savić,
And don't forget to localize the QR code as well, to lead to the local
of Firefox instead of en-US :)

Bogomil Shopov - Mozilla Bulgaria

Jan 26, 2011, 8:01:41 AM1/26/11
to Goce Mitevski,
On 01/26/2011 02:37 PM, Goce Mitevski wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Here is another preview of the poster, now with a QR code.
This vision will not say anything to people unfamiliar with firefox. The
target is exaclty those people isn't it. The others will know about
version 4 from their updater and will update automatically.

Please think about putting somewhere Firefox nor browser keyword


> This is still a work in progress as I think some short explanation for
> the QR code is required, for example: "Scan this image with your
> phone". Or, maybe not?
> Cheers,
> Goce Mitevski

Goce Mitevski

Jan 26, 2011, 8:18:26 AM1/26/11
> Please think about putting somewhere Firefox nor browser keyword

Aren't we making things too obvious that way?

I think that the dominant Firefox logo within the "4" is enough to
grab the viewers attention. Once she/he takes a piece from the poster,
can immediately get the idea this poster is related to Firefox, since
the Mozilla and Firefox 4 logos are placed on every piece.

Goce Mitevski

Goce Mitevski

Jan 26, 2011, 8:24:44 AM1/26/11
> BTW, which font is that? the official?

It's Droid Serif.

Goce Mitevski

Bogomil Shopov - Mozilla Bulgaria

Jan 26, 2011, 8:55:59 AM1/26/11
to Goce Mitevski,
On 01/26/2011 03:18 PM, Goce Mitevski wrote:
>> Please think about putting somewhere Firefox nor browser keyword
> Aren't we making things too obvious that way?
Well it depends on target - Are you sure someone will notice it? There
are a lot of spam materials on walls currently.

> I think that the dominant Firefox logo within the "4" is enough to
> grab the viewers attention. Once she/he takes a piece from the poster,
> can immediately get the idea this poster is related to Firefox, since
> the Mozilla and Firefox 4 logos are placed on every piece.
What about uploading your design here:

To create some t-shirts

Дарко Стојковски

Jan 26, 2011, 9:33:04 AM1/26/11
to Balkans
Why do we need a QR? Where to will the link be directing?
Also my opinion is that adding extra text will just mess things up and
people will consider it another "regular" poster. The big four will
attract attention. If people see Firefox written on it won't pay much
attention to it. Generaly people are more interested in the "mysterious".

Brian King

Jan 26, 2011, 11:51:16 AM1/26/11
to Goce Mitevski,


I like the idea of it having some mystery .. folks half familiar with
Firefox might ignore it if they see the name.

However, it does need to really stand out to grab attention as Bogo says.

- Brian

Дарко Стојковски

Jan 26, 2011, 1:31:31 PM1/26/11
Just a quick example about the "mystery" idea. For the past few months
we are seeing a strange mysterious campaign throughout Macedonia. First
a few months ago billboards apeared with the text
"Who is Ana?" no one gave an explanation and they stayed there for a
while. After some time we woke up and so billboards saying "This is
Ana." And still no one gave an explanation and no one still has any idea
what its all about. Everyone is speaking about it though, so when
whoever placed them there decides to reveal the final message everyone
will notice it for sure. Below are photos of the two billboards. We
might think about doing something link 2 days before launch put up
posters saying "something big is coming". I'm not sure though how will
this reflect in the minds of the trolls cause we've seen this here 2-3
times before, counting in Ana as well. The purpose of this mail was just
to give an example that this kind of things work.

Below are the photos of the two billboards:

Γιώργος Φιωτάκης

Jan 26, 2011, 3:42:19 PM1/26/11
Στις 26/01/2011 06:51 μμ, ο/η Brian King έγραψε:
> +1
> I like the idea of it having some mystery .. folks half familiar with
> Firefox might ignore it if they see the name.
> However, it does need to really stand out to grab attention as Bogo says.
> - Brian

I agree that the logo is enough.
In our region, at least 1 out of 3 internet users already use Firefox
and they are familiar with it, even the "mozilla Firefox 4" line seems
too much for me.
The initial idea had also funny little quotes along with the download
links (which should be actually the dominant text on the tear-off pieces
instead of the link).

Point is, since it's an SVG file, everyone can edit and adjust it to
his/hers standards.

For example, what I'd like to use is something more like the bellow image:

With the QR code out of the image, a link on the main part so people can
still see it if every tear-off piece is missing, and most important,
something that would make people smile just to make it step out of the
crowd of normal posters.

In our region, at least 1 out of 3 internet users is already using
Firefox so the logo is recognizable anyway, even if not at first glance.
Plus, we don't want it to be *that much* recognizable.

As much as for the identity guidelines violation, well at first, it's
guidelines, not *the law*, then , if you take a look at mozilla
community store, you'll see a lot of designs that go way beyond this one
on violating those guidelines.

Goce Mitevski

Jan 26, 2011, 4:01:56 PM1/26/11
> The initial idea had also funny little quotes along with the download
> links (which should be actually the dominant text on the tear-off pieces
> instead of the link).

+1 for the idea with the funny quotes. I like it!

I think that way the poster becomes more interactive and more
rewarding for the viewer, by giving lot's of "personalities" to choose

However, I don't think the QR code should be that accented. It's too
dominant and messes up the whole composition.

Goce Mitevski

Gent Thaçi

Jan 27, 2011, 6:42:31 AM1/27/11
to Bogomil Shopov - Mozilla Bulgaria, Goce Mitevski,
+1, I also propose to put the QR code in left bottom corner!


On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 14:01, Bogomil Shopov - Mozilla Bulgaria <> wrote:
On 01/26/2011 02:37 PM, Goce Mitevski wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Here is another preview of the poster, now with a QR code.
This vision will not say anything to people unfamiliar with firefox. The
target is exaclty those people isn't it. The others will know about
version 4 from their updater and will update automatically.

Please think about putting somewhere Firefox nor browser keyword

> This is still a work in progress as I think some short explanation for
> the QR code is required, for example: "Scan this image with your
> phone". Or, maybe not?
> Cheers,
> Goce Mitevski

Gent Thaçi

Jan 27, 2011, 6:43:23 AM1/27/11
to Goce Mitevski,
Guys can you just reaply to an email and not sending new ones, I think it's clearer!

Goce Mitevski

Gent Thaçi

Jan 27, 2011, 6:43:45 AM1/27/11
to Goce Mitevski,
* reply

Matjaz Horvat

Jan 27, 2011, 6:48:59 AM1/27/11
To people unfamiliar with Firefox neither Firefox logo nor Firefox keyword will say anything.

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