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Re: Balkans next suggested steps

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Feb 19, 2020, 6:51:55 AM2/19/20
to William Quiviger,
On 09.06.2010 22:23, William Quiviger wrote:
> Hi all,
> first of all, apologies for the delayed email. I know I promised I would
> send out a follow-up email soon after the Balkans meetup but I've been a
> little tied up with some unexpected high-level visits to our Paris
> office and then Linux craziness here in Berlin[1].
> As we have all fully recovered from our very productive meetup two weeks
> ago, I'd like us to discuss and agree on the next organizational steps
> and action items (ie. bi-weekly calls, status updates, community
> leaders/spokerspersons, rotating "leadership" of Balkan region, current
> and future projects, next events, budget requirements etc...) around the
> 5 goals we set for the next 6 months.
> I suggest we have a call next week to discuss all this.
> Here are a bunch of time slots i'm suggesting:
> Please take a minute to select the times that work best for you.
> Thanks guys and really look forward to speaking to you all next week.
> In the meantime, if you have any questions, comments or suggestions for
> next week's call, please don't hesitate to share them on the list.
> Best,
> William


Feb 19, 2020, 6:52:44 AM2/19/20
On 09.06.2010 22:29, Gorjan Jovanovski wrote:
> Hey guys, just a quick update.
> Probably on Wednesday I'll be leaving for Belgrade to apply for my visa,
> so I woun't be here. If we can do the meeting before that, it'll be great!
> Cheers,
> --
> Jovanovski Web Design Studio
> ---
> Mozilla Macedonia

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