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Home Dash Faster in your Language with 3

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Edward Lee

Jan 31, 2011, 5:32:18 PM1/31/11
to Mozilla Labs Group
Check out the latest update to the Home Dash Prospector experiment:

Please leave feedback on that post in this thread.

(And if you left feedback in the original announcement thread, I'm
still catching up on replies, so thanks for your patience!)



Jan 31, 2011, 7:01:38 PM1/31/11
Great improvement!
It seems we get a tab icon when a notification happens for twitter and google reader, but not gmail?

After playing with it for 15mn, I feel that not seeing the tab instantly is not good :(
Another I miss is the switch to tab and the speed from awesome bar.

Edward Lee

Feb 4, 2011, 9:08:33 PM2/4/11
On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 4:01 PM, Geobert <> wrote:
> It seems we get a tab icon when a notification happens for twitter and
> google reader, but not gmail?
There should be a notification for Gmail whenever someone sends you a
message. (It's relying on Gmail to change its title.)

> After playing with it for 15mn, I feel that not seeing the tab instantly is
> not good :(

What do you mean by "seeing the tab instantly"? When you're switching
tabs? Or perhaps you're referring to when you click the icon and the
tabs aren't visible immediately. It was partially removed to not
distract you if you were thinking about typing in the box, but still
show up pretty fast (1 second) if you need it. See here for some

I've got a version of Home Dash here that lets you see your tabs
without actually opening up the full Home Dash interface. Point at the
Firefox icon for more info:

> Another I miss is the switch to tab

In the Firefox interface, are you typing some letters then selecting a
"switch-to-tab" result? You can get something similar with the current
version of Home Dash by typing a few letters to find a matching tab
then switch tabs (perhaps with ctrl-tab or ctrl-9). If you keep
switching tabs from a search, you'll only switch through those that
match the search as well.

> and the speed from awesome bar.

Could you describe what feels not as fast as the awesomebar? At least
for me, it seems to find more results faster than the original.


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