Bookmarks bar (and tabs) suggestions

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Sep 9, 2015, 6:08:50 PM9/9/15
to mozilla-labs
Sorry if this is not the right place, I searched the forums and couldn't find anything regarding bookmarks. Also this is my first post.

I want to suggest some options for the bookmarks bar that I've been thinking about for some time:

1. Option to hide bookmark titles and only display the favicon, or vice versa.
2. Side-scroll the bookmarks bar.
3. Option to center/justify bookmarks in the bar.

Basically I think the bookmarks bar should be more like a dock - a place where you would want to display your most frequented (mostly top-level) sites. Maybe as you hover over the favicons the titles could appear - because it would get a little cluttered having all the favicons crammed together. This would act similarly to the dock's magnifying feature, in the way that it makes apps more clickable. Maybe some of this is too RAM intensive for a browser?

Maybe there could be an option to click a bookmark to access a list of currently open pages with the same domain. And perhaps like-domain tabs could be grouped in a way which they would save horizontal space yet could also be easily shifted out of a group if necessary.

Also a feature to shift + click tabs to select multiple tabs, like in Chrome.

Anyhow, just some thoughts I wanted to get out. Sorry if they sound naive, I'm not a developer! - just a user.

Daniel Desira

Sep 10, 2015, 3:00:48 PM9/10/15
to mozilla-labs
Hi, most of the functionality you mentioned is already delivered through addons.

I would post these suggestions on Bugzilla (

Sep 12, 2015, 8:05:49 PM9/12/15
to mozilla-labs
Thanks. That makes sense, I'll look at the addons.
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