The Moviesite updates, 22 September 2023

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Ian Douglas

Sep 22, 2023, 8:38:17 AM9/22/23
Hi all

Long week-end. If you're taking a break, enjoy :-)

Five new movies this week. First up for the little ones is the Russian-made
animated tale, Cats in the Museum, which, given the current situation in
Europe, has not been released States-side yet.

On the art-and-related circuit, we have the highly-rated Korean romantic
drama, Past Lives. It already has a bunch of awards and nominations and
will likely get more when the big ones are announced.

Switching to the popcorn genre, The Expendables are back in their 4th
outing, introducing a few new faces to carry the franchise forward.

Bollywood has The Great Indian Family comedy, part of the new wave in Indian
cinema aimed at healing the deep religious divisions in their society.

With Monday a holiday, there are previews in multiple venues for the upcoming
Afrikaans comedy, Hans Steek die Rubicon Oor.

Next thursday there are premieres for two Bollywood movies, Fukrey 3, and
The Vaccine War. See the Previews page and remember to book.

Lastly, some music ... The Royal Opera's Wagner's Das Rheingold is on
Sunday, as well as Stop Making Sense: The IMAX Live Experience, at
different venues. This features Talking Heads.

Enjoy. :-)

New this week

* Cats in the Museum (PG)
* Past Lives (13 LD)
* After Everything (16 LSVD)
* Expend4bles (16 LV)
* Expend4bles (4DX) (16 LV)
* The Great Indian Family (Probably PG13 P)

Forthcoming attractions

Updated the home page poster

List of all movies showing

Same list sorted by Age Restriction


Remember you can support the site by reading the ads... :-)

Enjoy :-)

Cheers, Ian


What do you call it when a hen looks at a lettuce?

A Chicken Caesar Salad


A tennis ball walks into a bar.

The barkeep says, “Have you been served?”


Chuck Norris went to a feminist rally, and came back with his shirt ironed
and a sandwich.


I asked my wife what she wants for our anniversary, she said “a divorce.”

I said, “I wasn’t planning on spending that much.”


A teddy bear sits down at a restaurant.

The waiter asks, “Would you like anything?”

The bear responds, “No, I’m stuffed.”


There's an old saying that goes "the quickest way to a man's heart is
through his stomach".

So anyway I lost my surgical license today.


A thousand years ago, the boomerang was Australia’s chief export...

...and import.


I went to the doctors because I’ve suddenly acquired a fear of airports.

The doctor thinks it could be a terminal illness.


I bought some pets online, and just had them delivered.

Turns out they need their liver.


An elephant walks into a bar, and is surprised to find a bartender not
serving any drinks to anyone at the bar.

The elephant went out and came back with a few of his fellow elephants, and
got a beer from the bartender.

The other customers were amazed and asked how he did it.

The elephant said, “You need to make yourself herd.”


I just finished reading a book about the history of WD-40.

It was non friction.


The Blonde’s father said “I hope you’re not planning to be alone at your
boyfriend’s place.”

She said, “Don’t be silly. He’ll be there.”


I was walking by a house the other day that was being worked on and the guy
hammering on the roof called me a paranoid little weirdo...

In morse code.


A man walks into a library and starts to ask,

"Do you have" and the librarian interrupts, "books on ESP and mind reading?"

The man says "no, why would you think that?"

The librarian says "I do this with everyone and some day I'm really gonna
freak somebody out."


A nervous looking man walks into the library.

He finds a librarian, leans over and whispers, "Can you help me find books
on paranoia?"

The librarian looks to her right, then to her left, and finally leans over
and whispers back, "Don't look now, but they are right behind you."


My mom’s mom used to tell me that green apples were good for you, but that’s
just granny’s myth.


I went on a job interview, Interviewer asks, Do you have any experience?

Me: Yes, of course, "This is my 20th interview"


You shouldn't trust trees.

They seem shady.


“Rice is great if you are really hungry and want to eat 2000 of something.”


Conversation between dad and son about girls.

Young boy: I don't like girls.

Dad: That'll change when you're older.

Young boy: So girls get less annoying?

Dad: No, you get less picky.


What do you call an English jazz musician?

An Anglo-Saxophonist


My tractor just left me out of the blue.

Not even a John Deer letter goodbye.


Gen Z is returning to tradition.

But that tradition is 1950s nicotine dependency.

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South Africa's greatest movie site. Ph. (021) 975-7273

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