The Moviesite updates, 31 May 2024

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Ian Douglas

May 31, 2024, 9:03:25 AMMay 31
Hi all

Our world is changing...

First up this week, for the kiddies, is the Japanese animated Sci-Fi tale,
Haikyu!! The Dumpster Battle.

This week's Blast From the Past is 1985's Back to the Future, with a young
Michael J. Fox.

Ezra is a road-trip movie with Robert De Niro and Vera Farmiga, which
explores modern family dynamics.

Face Deep is a local, award-winning film in Southern Sotho, which may be
heading for the Oscars.

Lastly, Bollywood bowls the maiden over with Mr. & Mrs. Mahi, an off-beat
sports family drama.

Will Smith and Martin Lawrence are back on Wednesday in Bad Boys: Ride or Die.

New this week

* Haikyu!! The Dumpster Battle (PG7–9 L PPS)
* Back to the Future (PG V)
* Ezra (16 LVP)
* Face Deep (16 LVDP)
* Mr. & Mrs. Mahi (Probably PG)

Forthcoming attractions

Updated the home page poster

List of all movies showing

Same list sorted by Age Restriction


Remember you can support the site by reading the ads... :-)

Enjoy :-)

Cheers, Ian


An old lady is shopping in a supermarket. She comes up to the cashier with
six cans of cat food. "I'm sorry," says the cashier, "I can't sell you cat
food unless you can prove to me that you own a cat."

"Why?" says the old lady.

"Our manager heard that old people are buying cat food and eating it
and he finds that unacceptable."

"That's ridiculous, I have to make an extra trip?" says the old lady.

But she goes home and gets her cat, brings it back to the store, and they
sell her the cat food.

A few days later she comes back to the store and comes up to the cashier
with a big box of dog biscuits.

"I'm sorry, I can't sell you those unless you prove to me that you have a

"Ridiculous, I have to make an extra trip again?" But she goes home and gets
her dog, brings it back to the store, and they sell her the dog biscuits.

A few days later the old lady comes back to the store carrying a small box,
and approaches the same cashier.

"What's in the box?" the cashier asks.

"Stick your finger in this hole and find out."

"Oh no, you've got a snake or something that will bite me or scratch me in

"No, there's nothing alive in it," says the old lady.

So the cashier sticks a finger in the hole, feels something soft, takes the
finger out and says "Ew! That smells like poo!"

"It is poo!" says the old lady. "Now can I buy some toilet paper?"


I accidently took my cats medicine this morning...

Don't ask meow.


I asked my wife, “Where did all the butter go?”

Her: I made it into ghee.

Me: Thanks for clarifying.


“I want you to give me a pill to make me smarter,” the man told his doctor,
and the doctor complied.

A week later, the man returned. “I still don’t feel any smarter,” he said.

“Keep taking the pills and come back next week,” said the doctor.

“I still don’t feel smarter,” the man said the next time.
“You haven’t been giving me a placebo, have you?”

“You’re smarter,” said the doctor.


Reminiscing about the past years, my husband and I discussed our children
... first steps, kindergarten, extra-murals and orthodontists.

But when we talked about the graduation of our last offspring, I noticed
that he suddenly grew very quiet.

“Have you regretted any of the years?” I asked.

“Oh, no!” he replied. “I was just wondering what we talked about when we
were dating!”


While discussing the advantages of television with my school students, I
emphasized that they should watch more programmes on science, elaborating
on the recent telecast of a solar eclipse and the mysteries of the universe.

Later while correcting their essays, I came across this sentence:
“The telecast of a solar eclipse revealed the many mistresses of the


Two opposing political candidates were debating on a street corner while a
group of spectators listened.

“There are hundreds of ways of making money,” challenged one, “but only one
honest way.”

“And what’s that?” jeered the other.

“Aha!” exulted the first speaker. “I knew you wouldn’t know.”


I have observed a number of superficially contented men and women,
and I maintain they are dangerous.

Personally, I am glad to say there are a lot of things today with which I
am not contented. I am not contented with myself, with the development
of my character, and with my literary career.

And there seems to me very little ground for general contentment.

I must repeat — I fear the contented man. I fear him because there is no
progress unless there is discontent.

Without it today, I even believe, there can be no inner peace of mind.

— John P. Marquand, quoted in Time, March 1950

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South Africa's greatest movie site. Ph. (021) 975-7273

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