CHI 2023 Body x Materials Workshop: Deadline extended

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Feb 20, 2023, 8:24:40 AM2/20/23
to Movement and Computing
2nd Call for Participation: CHI 2023 Workshop (Deadline extended)
Body x Materials: A workshop exploring the role of material-enabled body-based multisensory experiences

This workshop aims to build a community and open the design space for materiality and material-enabled body-based multisensory experiences by integrating research from various perspectives. We invite researchers, practitioners, and designers with an interest in designing and evaluating material-enabled body- based multisensory experiences and technologies, to submit position papers of up to 4 pages in single-column SIGCHI submission template (including references) stating their existing work, a conceptual design, or their position with respect to the workshop topic. 

Submissions can be made, by February 25, 2023, on the workshop website ( by completing a pre-questionnaire which includes demographic questions to help the organizers establish authors’ background. The submissions can be individual or group. Submissions should also describe a concept, prototype or method that will be brought and showcased at the workshop and include up to two discussion points and issues that participants would like to discuss in the workshop. We also welcome alternate submissions in the form of presentation slides, design sketches, videos, and posters. Authors must ensure the accessibility of their submission by following the SIGCHI Accessibility Guidelines ( 

If accepted, at least one author must attend the pre-workshop activity, the workshop at CHI2023 (in-person) and bring and showcase at the workshop their contribution (concept, prototype, method). All accepted submissions will be published on the website.

Important Dates

 *   February 25: Submission deadline
 *   March 8: Participant notifications sent
 *   April 23: Body x Materials workshop

Relevant links
Workshop website: 
CHI website:
Questions: or or ricardo.o' 

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