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Question on alternative sensors for Moveit.

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Constantine Giavridis

Oct 20, 2015, 9:28:50 AM10/20/15
to MoveIt! Users
Hello, I am using kinect in moveit to represent the robots environment. Are other sensors supported? Like the ensenso n20-610-16?
Is there a list somewhere with all the supported sensors?

Thank tou very much for your time.

Sachin Chitta

Oct 20, 2015, 2:42:15 PM10/20/15
to Constantine Giavridis, MoveIt! Users
MoveIt! does not rely on a particular sensor type. If your sensor has a driver that can publish point clouds/RGBD data, you should be able to integrate it into MoveIt!.


Simon Schmeißer

Oct 21, 2015, 10:21:24 AM10/21/15
to MoveIt! Users
There is a Ensenso driver for PCL available here:

Some people have written ROS modules but there does not seam to be any on github yet. There might be some news about this soon.

I'm currently using a combination of ensenso api -> halcon -> ros -> moveit but what I would recomment you to try is to use the pcl module above and write a ros node for that (I think there even is some pcl->ros bridge)
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