MoveIt with source installed OMPL library

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Mohammed Shameer

Nov 8, 2015, 7:11:03 PM11/8/15
to MoveIt! Users
Dear all,

I have a source installation of OMPL. How do I set MoveIt! to use the source installation of ompl? It works only when I do "sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-ompl". It does not find OMPL, If I remove "ros-hydro-ompl"

Best Regards,
Mohammed Shameer

Ruben Burger

Nov 9, 2015, 7:01:09 AM11/9/15
to MoveIt! Users
Hello Mohammed,

I am currently trying to do the same thing. Have a look a this topic for some instructions. From what I understand MoveIt also needs to be built from source in order to use the source-built OMPL. The easiest way seems to be to make a single workspace with OMPL and MoveIt and use catkin_make_isolated to build them. Don't forget to add the package.xml to the OMPL source as described in the linked topic.

It builds fine for me, but I'm running into some problems that may or may not be related to the way I built MoveIt, so if you could report back on whether you got it to work and how, that would be great.

Kind regards,
Ruben Burger

Op maandag 9 november 2015 01:11:03 UTC+1 schreef Mohammed Shameer:

Mohammed Shameer

Nov 9, 2015, 8:01:28 AM11/9/15
to Ruben Burger, MoveIt! Users
Dear Ruben,

Actually I *WAS* able to use source built MoveIt with source built OMPL. I was able to modify planner parameters and did the planner optimization for my project. I did not use catkin_make_isolated to build them.

Things I did:
1) Installed MoveIt from source. While installing MoveIt, it will install ros-hydro-ompl. So I had to do "sudo apt-get remove ros-hydro-ompl" to remove ompl.

MoveIt path in my ubuntu was: /home/shameer/moveit

2) Installed OMPL from source

OMPL path in my ubuntu was:
I followed the same link to compile them

3) Then I did something like "cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/some/path" which I have forgotten completely now. This step helped me to use source built MoveIt with source built OMPL

I did those three steps in my new laptop. But I am not able to use source built OMPL with MoveIt(source built too) . If I can recollect what I did in the third step, would help us to use source built OMPL with MoveIt(source built)

Ruben, If you can figure/guess out what possibly I could have done in the third step, our problem will be solved. I tried in my bash history too. But it is of no use.

Best Regards,
Mohammed Shameer

Ruben Burger

Nov 9, 2015, 8:35:34 AM11/9/15
to MoveIt! Users,
Hi Mohammed,

I think I am running into a different problem (just posted a new topic for my issue). Are you sure about the order of the steps you took?

From what I understand; when building moveit, the cmake function find_package() is used to locate ompl. I think you can use a cmake prefix to point cmake to the right path for finding ompl and I'm guessing that's what you did. Not sure how, though, I'm pretty new to cmake so I might have it all wrong.

Have you tried using the "Installation from source for use with ROS" instructions from ? That seems to be the easiest approach.


Op maandag 9 november 2015 14:01:28 UTC+1 schreef Mohammed Shameer:

Mohammed Shameer

Nov 9, 2015, 6:07:03 PM11/9/15
to MoveIt! Users
Hi Ruben and Everyone,

I solved it. You don't need catkin_make_isolated. I followed Just follow the steps below:

1st step:
Install MoveIt from source
After successful installation of MoveIt from source, do "sudo apt-get remove ros-hydro-ompl" and "sudo apt-get purge ros-hydro-ompl"
path: /home/name/moveit

2nd step:
path: /home/name/ompl
cd ompl/
mkdir -p build/Release
cd build/
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ..
make install
sudo make install
cd Release/
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ..
cd ..
make -j 4 update_bindings
sudo make install

So this made me use source built OMPL with my youBot moveit package(catkin package).
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