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Inquiry About Move2Kube Support for Multiple Environment-Based YAML Manifests and Workflow for CF Collection

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Kumaraguru Nandakumar

Feb 29, 2024, 4:41:55 PM2/29/24
to move2kube-dev

Dear Move2Kube Developers,

I am currently evaluating Move2Kube for a potential migration of applications from PCF to AKS and have a couple of questions regarding its functionality:

  1. Support for Multiple Environments: My applications are configured with separate YAML manifest files for different environments. I have observed that Move2Kube appears to select the last YAML file for transformation into the Kubernetes manifest. Does Move2Kube support handling multiple environment-specific YAML manifests? If so, could you guide me on how to specify which environment configuration should be used during the migration process?

  2. Workflow for CF Collection: When utilizing the collect CF feature to gather metadata for all applications within a PCF space, the output is a consolidated YAML file containing information for all the applications. Is it necessary to manually distribute and place this YAML file into each individual application's directory before executing the plan or transform commands? Or is there a more streamlined process that Move2Kube offers for handling multiple applications?

Any guidance on these matters would be greatly appreciated to ensure a smooth migration process.

Thanks & Regards,



Mar 2, 2024, 2:09:08 PM3/2/24
to move2kube-dev
Thanks for looking into Move2Kube for your app migration. The developers are also available on the Kubernetes Slack Workspace in the #konveyor channel for a more detailed conversation.

1. Support for Multiple Environments

Move2Kube does generate Kustomize and Helm chart yamls in the output folder. These have different values.yaml and kustomize patches for different environments like 'dev`, `staging`  and `prod`.
Move2Kube also be easily customized to consider more than 1 yaml in the input folder. Here is a sample where we try to detect .pom files
We could do something similar to detect the environment specific yaml files in your case.

2. Workflow for CF Collection:

By default you will need to put the yaml file into each file. Alternatively if you are using our UI then we have a concept of Workspace where you can have multiple Projects.
You can upload a common workspace level input that can be used in all of the projects inside that workspace.
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