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Move2kube API - complete documentation or guide

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Ajay Agrawal

Mar 3, 2022, 5:01:30 AM3/3/22
Hi Team,

Would you please suggest or help on this, i would like use move2kube api to migrate  cf application on k8 cluster but i am not able to find suitable documentation or process to get enable apis. 

i have followied the below steps to install and run but none of url is coming for me.

Thanks in advance!

Ajay Agrawal

Ashok Pon Kumar Sree Prakash

Jun 8, 2022, 1:37:18 PM6/8/22
to move2kube-dev
Hi Ajay, 
       Sorry for the missed thread. Just now noticed your thread, for some reason did not get a notification or email on this. Will change the settings of this group to avoid this in the future. Please feel free to hit us in slack ( in the future if you don't get an immediate response here.

       To answer your question, doing `make crun` after cloning the repo should technically bring up the api, and the api spec can be found in

       To start with, you can try bringing up the ui using the steps in, and the api server will be used internally by the ui, so if the UI works, the api server is working. You can then try accessing the api server.

       For steps on CF to K8s, check out or for a more detailed documentation.
       Do let us know if you still run into issues.

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