Why my contribution to public radio is the minimum... and in danger of diminishing.

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Feb 10, 2016, 1:30:16 PM2/10/16
to St. Mark's Social Justice Group, Sacramento Move To Amend-Sacramento, CCL Sacramento Google Group
Here's a comment from one of the blogs I read:

"This morning’s report by those Nice Polite Republicans at NPR about Bernie’s win was typical. They downplayed the huge margin, then played clips from Clinton’s weird victory speech and nothing from Bernie’s speech. They’ve been doing this free advertising for Clinton all along.

"A few months ago I heard Cokie Roberts talking about the Democratic race by never once mentioning Sanders and instead playing big chunks of Hillary’s latest TV ad.

"Even my spouse, a long-time die-hard NPR listener, has finally woken up to the fact that they are simply a propaganda outlet for establishment politicians. I think if one follows the money, it’s clear why this is so. Every few minutes they announce that they have support from odious squillionaires like the Walton family and Bill Gates. Or maybe I’m wrong, and NPR, like Hillary, is so pure that money doesn’t affect it at all."

Feel free to echo my sentiments (here) so the "lefties" at NPR start to get the message.


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