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Jan 3, 2017, 4:24:38 PM1/3/17
to e.e. bunny
[from Ric Barreto]:

The upcoming election of the Democratic Party Of Sacramento County (DPSC) central committee is for the E-Board. 

The following are the major declared candidates;

Central Committee Chair

Terry Schanz (current chair)- chief of staff for Assmb. Kevin McCarty (uber progressive)

Mario Guerrero (current Treasurer)- Political Director SEIU 1000 Sacramento. This union is usually very progressive, but local leadership actively supported, endorsed, spent $, and campaigned for "strong mayor". They also tried a major power play at the Labor Council splitting the Labor Council in two. There are major concerns Mario will push his union's leaderships agenda at the expense of the Dem Party grassroots.

Most progressives/liberals/unionists are supporting Terry Schanz as he has the support of the teachers' unions

Tamie Dramer(current vice chair) - director of Organize Sacramento, former advocate of the Sacramento Housing Alliance (advocates of affordable housing & homelessness issues)- (uber progressive & trains other activists how to beat the system!)

Mikey Singh Hothi - staffer for biz/moderate Dem Assmb. Jim Cooper (D- Elk Grove)

The vast & overwhelming majority of progs & labor support Tamie.

This vote takes place at the following:

Jan 12th (Thur) - 6-8pm

Sierra II Center off of 24th St. & Broadway Sacramento (Sierra II Center, 2791 24th St., Sacramento CA 95818)

This meeting is open to all registered Democrats. Only Delegates, to include elected central committee members (June election), elected or past officials or their proxy (ies), club reps can vote. (Which is a major reason to have viable clubs to temper the power & control of elected officials at the county party level; the more progressive/liberal clubs the more we can change/control the direction or influence the outcomes of who gets endorsed as candidates or not!, along with many other issues we care about that may or may not get put on the agenda or voted on at all!)

Jan 4, 2017, 7:58:53 PM1/4/17
Thanks, I'm on the mailing list..


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