Using images from motionEye on web server

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Feb 12, 2024, 2:22:18 PMFeb 12
to motioneye
I would like to embed the latest image from a pi-based motionEyeOS instance.  I cannot simply use the embed or picture URLs because the website is secure and motionEye is not and I can't embed the http: URL on the https: site.

I have done some searching and found something in this forum on doing something similar to what I want to do but thought I would ask if anyone is doing exactly what I want to do and found a better way than using PushBullet for example.

First, is there a single file for each camera stored somewhere in motionEyeOS that is the latest image from a camera?  If not, I can do a script to find the latest picture that was saved for each camera, no problem.

Second, has anyone use SAMBA to just copy the image to a SMB share, in my case to a folder on the webserver on the same network?  I understand how to do this on Rasbian but will this work on motionEyeOS?

Figured I would ask before I dig in and try it.  Thanks in advance.



Feb 12, 2024, 2:34:08 PMFeb 12
to motioneye
First: Yes, I will get you an example name and path later today.
Second: Yes you can save pics and movies to SMB shares. The settings are under File Storage, The options include SMB (
Network Share) and Upload Media Files using SFTP/SCP...


Feb 12, 2024, 3:18:39 PMFeb 12
to motioneye
Please keep the conversation here. You don't want my hourly rates and fee structure.
The default path and filename is 
/data/output/Camera1  ## assuming a single camera attached to RPi
## and assuming you didn't make any changes to File Storage, Root Directory
The filename depends on what you have set on Still Images. I have mine set to
%Y-%m-%d/%q (Year-Month-Day/Frame Number.jpg) but you may want to save yours as a name only
## like /data/Output/Camera1/cam1.jpg
This is also depending on other settings like Capture mode, Motion Triggered (single frame) and others...


Feb 12, 2024, 5:12:55 PMFeb 12
to motioneye
I am currently capturing images based on motion detection with a filename pattern similar to what you describe.  I was wondering if there was a separate location (like a buffer for the live URLs) that held the current live image that I could grab occasionally with a shell script or cron job.

I see from what you are saying, that I could change the filename to cam1.jpg and change the save location to the network share folder for the website.  Then either keep it as motion detection triggered or if I wanted a close-to-live image (which I do) change the setting to interval shots.  But it is either/or.  I can't keep a collection of motion-triggered shots in one folder AND get a live image from somewhere else.

Let me know if I understand that correctly.

Thanks again.


Feb 12, 2024, 7:51:51 PMFeb 12
to motioneye
You could go with Image recording Interval = 1 Second, and motion Detect for video, at 1 frame per second...
Just a thought...


Feb 12, 2024, 9:31:31 PMFeb 12
to motioneye
Yes, that could work.  Thanks for the assistance, glad I asked before jumping blindly into it!
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