Updates to use K band lamps-off/thermal flats

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Apr 29, 2014, 4:40:18 PM4/29/14
to mosfi...@googlegroups.com
The current version of the MOSFIRE software reduction package does not use the Kband lamps-off/thermal flats that is acquired by default via the real-time calibration script.

I have an updated version of the Flats.py functions to use the thermal flats that we currently take with K band calibrations. I think that observers who acquire K band data will benefit from this update.

Flats.py: Functions added to subtract dome "lamps off/thermal" flats from the dome "lamps on" flats. The functions combine both sets of flats using your current method to create a lamps on and lamps off flat, and then subtracts those two images to remove the contribution of the dome emission. Files renamed combflat_lamps_on* and combflat_lamps_off*. The final flat has the same name that you output: combflat_2s_band_.fits .

To execute the reduction of the thermal flats, the flat functions have an optional keyword for the "lampOffList" as a trigger.
The driver file should be updated so that the Flat call now looks like this for example:
Flats.handle_flats('Flat.txt', maskname, band, flatops, lampOffList='FlatThermal.txt')
I recommend that you update the K-Driver.py file with this change.

Also, I have updated your handle.py function to create the FlatThermal.txt list. The handle function uses the OBJECT header keyword to determine if a FITS file is a thermal flat by parsing the object value for "Flats:" and "lamps off." Our new calibration acquisition script updates the object keyword (e.g. "Flat: /K/17/lamps off"), so this should be a reliable method of identifying them.

Not sure how best to post the files, but the files have been brought to Nick's attention. Please let me know if you are interested in the updates and I can provide them.

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