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Welcome to the WHO FIC Network Mortality Forum. This is an international discussion network that identifies and solves problems related to the interpretation and application of ICD-10 to the coding and classification of mortality/death certificates. It will migrate to include also issues related to coding with ICD-11.
All messages sent to the Forum are sent to subscribers by email. You can read, post and respond to Forum messages directly from your email, as follows:
  • You can send new questions or respond to current issues on the Forum by directly emailing your message to - alternatively, you can use the reply function when you get an email, as follows
  • Click on the email in your inbox. The contents of the email are displayed. 
  • Type a response to the email. 
  • Select reply. The message or response will be received by the moderators and checked for clarity before it is posted.
Note: This process assumes that you have "Email" checked in the "How do you want to read this group?" section of the My Membership settings.
If you want to review your Forum settings or to see all of the previous messages sent to the Forum, go to!forum/mortality-forum

By clicking on a message header, the full message will be displayed.

We hope you will find the Forum useful.

The Mortality Forum moderators