2024-02-12 Coding Deaths as a result of a terror attack - Response 4

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Feb 29, 2024, 1:40:35 PMFeb 29
to mortality-forum

Hello everyone,

 We would like to know what code other countries give for death as a result of a terror attack, for example France (Paris 2015, Nice 2016), Germany (Berlin in the Christmas market 2016) etc.

 Thank you for your help.

 Miriam Bronshtein

Demography and Census Department

cid:image0...@01D4CF45.44781340Israel Central Bureau of Statistics

www.cbs.gov.il רוצים להיות מעודכנים בכל רגע נתון? בקרו באתר הלמס

 Additional response from US

 With respect to the Mexican comment about an ICD-10 update, there was no update. The terrorism issue has come before the MRG once. At the WHO-FIC Network Annual Meeting weeks after the 9/11/2001 events in the US, the US brought the issue to the MRG. There was near universal disagreement with our initial idea on how the classification could be changed to reflect the deaths. However, if the US was still committed to doing something, that we could use U-codes and recommended that we group the resulting U-codes with homicides (principally). That would keep us in alignment with everyone else, but still give us specificity. That’s why we have US-specific codes for terrorism in ICD-10.

 [Note: We should have used codes from the range U50-U99 rather than what we selected.]

 Response from Mexico

Dear friends, this is our answer.

 In ICD-11

 Death as a result of a terror attack is an incomplete diagnosis.

 The certifier must note whether the attack was with a firearm, car bomb or another type and indicate that the intention was a terrorist attack, as a result of the forensic investigation.

 The injuries produced are necessary to code the nature of the injury.

 The code is an External causes of morbidity or mortality (Assault) will be aggression with the type of weapon or device, post-coordinated with XE4RJ type of conflict, declared terrorism and Role of injured person in armed conflict.

 In this example we propose the UCOD: PL2Z&XE4RJ (PL2Z External causes of morbidity or mortality, unspecified & XE4RJ type of conflict, declared terrorism)

 In ICD-10

We couldn't find terrorist attack in ICD-10 as an external cause. Maybe there is a code in the updates.

 We found this note on the internet in NCHS of the USA.

 Code categories specific to terrorism are absent in the two major classification systems used for mortality and morbidity statistics in the United States (the World Health Organization's International Classification of Diseases (ICD) and the Clinical Modification of the ICD, Ninth Revision (ICD-9- CM), it becomes extremely difficult to statistically evaluate injuries and deaths associated with terrorism1.

 To address this need, NCHS formed an Ad Hoc Working Group on the Classification of Death and Injuries Resulting from Terrorism. As part of this effort, new codes were developed within the framework of the ICD and ICD-9-CM. These codes allow the identification of terrorism deaths on death certificates through the National Vital Statistics System, as well as terrorism-related injuries and illnesses in medical records used for statistical and reimbursement purposes1.

 Below are some examples of terrorism-related codes:

 Terrorism (injury) (by) (en) U01.9: Includes injuries from air explosions, burned, destroyed, shot down airplanes and use of weapons as a means of attack.

Anthrax (U01.6): Related to asphyxiation due to chemical weapons.

Fire, conflagration (caused by fire-producing device) (U01.3): Includes fire injuries in terrorist events2.

Importantly, these codes conform to the framework of the classifications currently used for mortality and morbidity, that is, ICD-10 for mortality and ICD-9-CM for morbidity1.

 In the CDC NCHS I found the next reference:

 Classification of Death and Injury Resulting from Terrorism.

 ICD - Classification of Death and Injury Resulting from Terrorism (cdc.gov)

 In the annex of this report you can see the detailed codes that have been proposed for coding many causes about terrorism. See bellow.

 ICD - Classification of Death and Injury Resulting from Terrorism - Appendix I (cdc.gov)

 The Z code is only used in ambulatory or hospital morbidity

 Best wishes.

 Dr. Luis Manuel Torres Palacios

Mtro. Manuel Yañez Hernández

Centro Colaborador para la Familia de Clasificaciones Internacionales

de la OMS en México (CEMECE)


Response from Austria

 Dear All,

 In our opinion, the following ICD codes (ICD 10) should be used for terrorism:

 Z65.4 as an addition (victim of terrorism) as well as the respective injury in combination with "assault" X65 to Y09.

 Best regards


Daniela Knötzl

Christiane Matlschweiger

Claudia Vunetich


STATISTIK AUSTRIA – Die Informationsmanager

Direktion Bevölkerung -/ Todesursachenstatistik

Guglgasse 13


Tel.  +43 (1) 71128 / 7218

Fax  +43 (1) 71128 / 7170



Response from Donna Hoyert, USA


In reaction to the September 11, 2001 events in the US, we created US-specific codes. We tabulate these US-specific codes with homicide and suici
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