Android is a gap to linux?

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Jul 17, 2021, 7:25:02 PM7/17/21
to Morse Expert for Android
Hello dear Alex,

It's been a few years since I await a real decoder under Linux and especially for our beacons.
To my surprise, I just discovered your application under Android.
In one way or another, I imagine easily that you have to wear your very good code and your decoding augorite in an interpretable language under Linux (Java or maybe the C as Lib Or Something).
So, I wondered if you plan to make a Standalone executable without graphic interface for decoding 192khz or 384khz I/q under Linux?

This could be in the form of an executable using a sound card by ALSA as Input or a LIB for Gnuradio?

As Output this could be a text output or in a log file?

Something Like
./SKIMSRV -D HW:Card=USB,Dev=0 -R=192 --CenterFreq=50200 --outputfile=SkimsRV6M.log --Licencekey=****** - ****** - *** *** - ****** - ****** - ****** - ****** - ****** - ****** - ****** 
Thanks for your work.
73 F4HTB

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