Please rate Morse Expert

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Jan 22, 2021, 9:36:27 AM1/22/21
to Morse Expert for Android
Dear beta testers,

Morse Expert has been on Google Play for about a week, got about 100 downloads and a few 5-star ratings.  However, it still appears near the bottom in the searches, and the people learn about it mostly by the word of mouth.

Please rate Morse Expert on Google Play, this will make it more visible.

You can post your rating either by clicking on Rate this App in the app's menu or by going to the Google Play web page:

Thank you!
73 Alex VE3NEA

Gunnar Widell

Jan 23, 2021, 1:35:45 PM1/23/21
to Alex VE3NEA, Morse Expert for Android
Hi Alex,

I cannot find the rate menu in Google Play. I see seven ratings, but I am unable to review and rate the app myself of some reason. Other apps have the "rate button" available. 

73 Gus SM3SGP

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KT9X - Lahra Flip Svare

Jan 23, 2021, 1:39:11 PM1/23/21
to Gunnar Widell, Alex VE3NEA, Morse Expert for Android
I can see other reviews on GPlay, but don't seem to be able to leave one. There is not the place to click and leave my review, as on other apps.   Flip

Tom Northfell

Jan 23, 2021, 3:18:54 PM1/23/21
to KT9X - Lahra Flip Svare, Gunnar Widell, Alex VE3NEA, Morse Expert for Android

I have the same issue.  

de Tom W5XNA

Jan 23, 2021, 3:52:24 PM1/23/21
to Tom Northfell, KT9X - Lahra Flip Svare, Gunnar Widell, Alex VE3NEA, Morse Expert for Android

Had to go to Google Play via my W10 PC. The tab to leave a review is available there, but not when I tried via my Android phone.


Stuart, GD00UD.


Jan 23, 2021, 6:00:40 PM1/23/21
to Morse Expert for Android
Thank you very much for your ratings and reviews! Now the app has 8 ratings, all 5-stars!

I am not sure how Google decides who can rate the app and who cannot. When I tried to rate another app that I had for a few months, the rating button was present when I opened the entry in the Google Play app, but not in the browser. The best I can suggest is to start Google Play on the device where you have Morse Expert installed and find the app by name.

73 Alex VE3NEA

Tom Northfell

Jan 23, 2021, 7:23:43 PM1/23/21
to Alex VE3NEA, Morse Expert for Android
Thanks for the tip, Stuart!  I went into my W10 laptop and was able to leave a review. Thanks Alex for another great product. 👍⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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