Re: [morphia] Morphia - java ODM - Dynamic schema?

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Feb 21, 2018, 4:10:07 PM2/21/18
Hi Ramesh,

What's the exception? MongoDB is a document database there shouldn't have any schema in your collection.

On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 8:07 AM Ramesh Sibi <> wrote:
Hi ,

I am using Morphia 1.3.1 for mapping mongo DB documents to java objects (ODM).
I would like to achieve dynamic schema changes capability to the application being developed.

For example:

let's say , i have below document structure in a collection(Person).
firstName: xxxx,
lastName: xxxx
we are mapping this in java using Morphia like below.

class Person {

private String firstName;

private String lastName;

//getters and setters for above fields.......


if we are to add a new field in the class which could be available only in some documents in the collection(Person).

say...(highlighted field)

class Person {

private String firstName;

private String lastName;

private String middleName;

//getters and setters for above fields.......


In this case, morphia throws exception. So Morphia seems to make the schema rigid.
Could you please let me know, if there is a workaround to keep the schema dynamic for a given collection while using Morphia as the ODM?

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