Comparison of Systems biology tools

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Mar 14, 2022, 5:32:32 AM3/14/22
to Morpheus users
Dear Morpheus developers

We at the BioUML team have made a comparison of tools for systems biology, it can be accessed here:

Morpheus is one of the tools in the comparison. 

We would be grateful if you could check the comparison and let us know if we missed something or made errors regarding Morpheus.

Also we consider adding a section with unique features for each presented tool. Could you recommend something unique to Morpheus that should be included into the comparison.

Thank you in advance. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Эрвин Визард

Mar 14, 2022, 7:28:13 AM3/14/22
to Morpheus users
Hello, Ilya!

I'm not a part of Morpheus team, but I would note, that parameters fitting in Morpheus is available with FitMultiCell — tool, which connects Morpheus and great pyABC package.

Also, from my side (as a user), I would add to your comparison really important Morpheus possibility to operate with Cellular Potts Models. And maybe it's best tool in industry for today in this area. This is competiting approach, close to the ABM.

понедельник, 14 марта 2022 г. в 12:32:32 UTC+3, Ilya:
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