Do I really need to mark my methods as virtual if I want to mock them with moq?
I'd like the following two tests to work. What is the work around?
public class Foo
public void Bar()
public virtual void Bar2()
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for UnitTest1
/// </summary>
public class UnitTest1
public void ThisWorks()
bool called = false;
Mock<Foo> fooMock = new Mock<Foo>();
fooMock.Expect(foo => foo.Bar2()).Callback( () => called = true);
public void ThisDoesnt()
bool called = false;
Mock<Foo> fooMock = new Mock<Foo>();
fooMock.Expect(foo => foo.Bar()).Callback( () => called = true);
PS Please include my e-mail in the response.
Some may argue that being "forced" (you can always just mark the
member virtual and that's it) to create an interface just for mock-
ability rather than architecture/design decision is a smell...
Sent from my iPod
On Sep 29, 2008, at 9:16 PM, panjkov <> wrote:
> why is this a smell?
> Interface:
> public interface IPhotosRepository {
> IList<Album> Albums();
> ...
> }
> Repository:
> public class PhotosRepository : IPhotosRepository {
> #region IPhotosRepository Members
> public IList<Album> Albums() {
> List<Album> albums = new List<Album>();
> return albums;
> }
> ...
> Unit test:
> public void Albums_ShouldReturnListOfAlbums() {
> // Arrange
> var albums = new List<Album>();
> albums.Add(...});
> albums.Add(...);
> var repository = new Mock<IPhotosRepository>();
> repository.Expect(r => r.Albums()).Returns(albums);
> // Act
> PhotosController controller = new PhotosController();
> ViewResult result = controller.Albums() as ViewResult;
> // Assert
> Assert.IsNotNull(result, "Expected the result to be a
> ViewResult");
> }
> This is first iteration. DB Code is not created at all, no dbml file,
> nothing. Any links or clarifications should be highly helpful /
> appreciated.
> On Apr 29, 12:30 am, "Daniel Cazzulino" <> wrote:
>> a "workaround" would be to define an interface for your object, and
>> mock the
>> interface rather than the actual implementation (which may be a
>> smell in
>> itself...)
>> On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 2:00 PM, Nathan Stott <>