And is there a vision, where MooTools will go to? Some kind of Roadmap for the future?
Or is the most work so far, to preserve, that MooTools operate right "as it is"?
I love MooTools, but i dont know whether it is stil the right choice for a very modern project with a realtime communication based on node.js/ and a long term future trending development...
JQuery is bullshit for complex javascript Application development - ExtJS has a fantastic Class System too, but the strength of ExtJS ist to develop User Interaces for functional applications.
I am looking for a class-based Javascript Framework which is not "manipulating" some existing DOM - no - DOM should be created out of the javascript, and it should be future-proof...
Five years ago, mootools was my first choice for _everything_ in javascript, but meantime - i have doubts. Doubts, but no alternatives. i know nothing, that is nearly so good as mootools. Only ExtJS - and this is very expensive...