MOOCs for Library Information Literacy / Seminars / Workshops ?

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Apr 8, 2013, 7:04:52 PM4/8/13
to, gerry. mckiernan
*** Spoiler Alert > Possible Duplicate Posting ***


I am greatly interested in learning of libraries that have created MOOCs to complement / replace /  supplement library-related information literacy sessions / seminars / workshops / etc.

Thanks !


Gerry McKiernan
Associate Professor
Science and Technology Librarian
Iowa State University
152 Parks Library
Ames IA 50011

Kyle Denlinger

Apr 23, 2013, 4:54:09 PM4/23/13
to, gerry. mckiernan

I just finished building and facilitating a very successful mini-MOOC to designed to teach web literacy. The course was open to anyone, but we marketed it specifically to parents and alumni. This didn't replace or supplement our existing library instruction (in fact, we actively avoided marketing the course to students), but I can see us easily using the course for flipping a few of our traditional IL class sessions. We had more than 700 people sign up and at least 10% seem to have been either participating or interacting with the course material by the end of the four-week course. I see it as an interesting opportunity for libraries to reach new audiences--we're thinking of  doing others on genealogy research, medical research, etc. The feedback has been incredible.


Kyle Denlinger

Apr 23, 2013, 4:58:06 PM4/23/13
to, gerry. mckiernan
Also, I should note that we used almost exclusively third-party content, most notably some video content from Google's Power Searching courses. (I know Tasha is in this group... hi, Tasha! Our participants loved your videos!)

Tasha Bergson-Michelson

Apr 28, 2013, 1:44:58 AM4/28/13
to, gerry. mckiernan
Hi Kyle! Late to catch up with my reading, sadly, but I am so excited to hear about your mini-MOOC! Is is available someplace I can view it? Love to see the structure you used--or can you describe it here?

Kyle Denlinger

Apr 29, 2013, 9:11:32 AM4/29/13
to, gerry. mckiernan
Yeah! I built it using Google Sites, Groups, and Forms, mostly. The course site is available to anyone, although you won't be able to see the Group discussions, which were awesome. I'm happy to add anyone to the Group so you can see the discussions. 

I also published the site I built as a Google Sties template, with all of the content stripped out, if anyone is interested in building a small-scale course for their own communities:

We're collecting post-course feedback right now, most of which is overwhelmingly positive. We're going to be doing more of these very soon.

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Kyle Denlinger
eLearning Librarian, Z. Smith Reynolds Library
Wake Forest University

Tamara Brathwaite

Apr 29, 2013, 10:47:12 AM4/29/13
Thanks so much for sharing Kyle! Congratulations on this most excellent effort!
Warm regards
(a lurking librarian, a mooc-maker wannabe, a dreamer)
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever" Gandhi
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