I have been trying to think of ways to improve the Monologue Database,
and this is what I've come up with lately. Please write back and let
me know if there are features you are interested in helping with, or
if you have your own ideas for improvements!
I want to include links to audio and video clips to monologues, so
that people can actually watch and/or listen to an actor practice or
perform a particular monologue. I found a link on YouTube today of
someone practicing "And Turning, Stay." If any of you have recorded
yourself practicing a monologue, please let me know so I can feature
it on the database!
You might have noticed that my friend Josh Weckesser and I both sell
electronic copies of our plays through These Aren't My Shoes
Productions, and our monologues are featured on the Monologue
Database. I am considering asking other playwrights to submit their
original plays - and monologues - to us. If you're interested in
publishing and selling your original play online, please write to me
to find out more about our requirements.
I have been thinking about starting a free forum for indie theatre
folk - directors and producers could announce local auditions, actors
could post headshots and resumes, and playwrights could entice
directors to put on their plays. Theatre people could talk about
everything from stage make-up to favorite drunk scenes. What do you
think? Is there already a forum online that serves this purpose, or
does the Monologue Database need its own forum?
I really appreciate your input! Thanks everyone!
-Kellie Powell