Re: Spanky Poppagasket aka Heart Ignition Looking for Collaboration Projects

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Rev. norelpref

Feb 17, 2012, 3:24:00 PM2/17/12
to le Monohedron del Goog
I'm in. Fabulous. Let's hook up. Surely we can roust some other
folks around here.

I'm about to boat the bass that is the FAWM (album in a month) thing,
with Just John's help. But come March, we oughta brainstorm and do
something amazing.

On Feb 17, 10:53 am, Spanky Poppagasket <>
> I am looking to collaborate formally or informally on projects or pieces,
> you know for fucking around's sake or to make a buck.  If you're interested
> email me at
> Samples are at

Rev. norelpref

Feb 17, 2012, 3:32:35 PM2/17/12
to le Monohedron del Goog
perchance we can create the greatest virtual band in the whole fucking
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just john

Feb 17, 2012, 7:40:57 PM2/17/12
to le Monohedron del Goog

On Feb 17, 3:35 pm, Spanky Poppagasket <>
> indeed, got in on the FAWM thing too late, but sounds good!

Welcome aboard, Rev. Poppagasket! And greetings to any Mommagasket
and little Babygaskets!

For collaborations, one idea I think might be fun is a covers album.
As an aging fart, of course the first person I'd cover is Bob Dylan.
Or we could revive a project I proposed back in the CompuServe days --
I even got two submissions, by cassette! It's an album of Brian Eno
songs, titled "Eno's When You've Been Sleeping."

It'd be fun to release a covers album via some label, with correct
licensing and everything. Or if not fun, at least it would be novel
for me.

Norel Pref

Feb 17, 2012, 8:47:50 PM2/17/12
I thought of something similar:  I call, "Out of the Can."  We all (I imagine) have plenty of projects in the proverbial "can" that remain incomplete, due to lack of interest, or something else got in the way or whatever.  I thought that together, perhaps we can put some of these old projects to sleep.  We could collaborate with each other's "cans," so to speak and bring all the beleaguered once bright ideas and things to fruition.  Could be amusing and productive.  We could even set up a site and organize the projects and work on them piecemeal, as they seem interesting.  Myself, I kinda have ADHD and quickly lose interest in even the most salient ideas. 
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