[Rule Proposal] Instantiate argument exception correctly

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Néstor Salceda

Jul 23, 2008, 10:33:38 PM7/23/08
to Mono-Soc-2008, Gendarme
Title: Instantiate Argument Exception Correctly.

Description: This rule will ensure you are passing the arguments to some
exceptions in the correct order.

References: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms182347(VS.80).aspx

You will see the usefulness in this example:

Bad example:

throw new ArgumentException ("param", "The param is not valid");

Good example:

throw new ArgumentException ("The param is not valid", "param");

As the two parameters are strings, you could become messed by other
signatures as ArgumentOutOfRangeException(string paramName, string

In the reference you can see a complete list of the exceptions I will
catch and treat.


Sebastien Pouliot

Jul 23, 2008, 10:49:03 PM7/23/08
to mono-s...@googlegroups.com, Gendarme

This is a nice one to have IMO since wrong reports from exceptions are
often more time wasting than no information (e.g. using the default,
empty, ctor on exception) and we already have a rule for that.


Néstor Salceda

Jul 29, 2008, 2:14:26 PM7/29/08
to gend...@googlegroups.com, mono-s...@googlegroups.com

A bit delayed, but I think the rule is ready for being commited to the
repository. Take a look and review, please :)

I think that this rule is going to be really useful, because there are
a lot of violations and I have tweaked it in order to achieve really few
false positives.



Sebastien Pouliot

Aug 13, 2008, 8:41:58 PM8/13/08
to mono-s...@googlegroups.com, gend...@googlegroups.com
Hola Nestor,

Sorry for the delay in replying to this email (it seems that other
emails just kept popping up on top of it ;-)

Could you give me (or add to the unit tests, ignored) some examples
where the rule reports false positives ?


> C# source attachment (InstantiateArgumentExceptionCorrectlyRule.cs)


> namespace Gendarme.Rules.Exceptions {
> [Problem ("You are not passing the arguments in the correct order to ArgumentException and derived. You are hiding useful information to developers.")]

it's not just about order (like the patches you sent me proves :-) it
could also be some bad value, so what about something like:

"This method throws ArgumentException (or derived) exceptions
without specifying an existing parameter name. This can hide
useful information to developers."

> [Solution ("Fix the order of the parameters following the recomendations.")]

typo, "recommendation" - but since it's not just about ordering I

"Fix the exception parameters to use the correct parameter name
(or make sure the parameters are in the right order)."

> public class InstantiateArgumentExceptionCorrectlyRule : Rule, IMethodRule {
> static string[] checkedExceptions = {
> "System.ArgumentException",
> "System.ArgumentNullException",
> "System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException",
> "System.DuplicateWaitObjectException"
> };
> public static TypeReference GetArgumentExceptionThrown (Instruction throwInstruction)
> {
> if (throwInstruction.Previous.OpCode == OpCodes.Newobj) {
> Instruction instantiation = throwInstruction.Previous;
> MethodReference method = (MethodReference) instantiation.Operand;
> if (Array.IndexOf (checkedExceptions, method.DeclaringType.FullName) != -1)

I think you could reuse the IsArgumentException method here

> return method.DeclaringType;
> }
> return null;
> }
> public static bool ParameterNameIsLastOperand (MethodDefinition method, Instruction throwInstruction, int exceptionParameters)
> {
> Instruction current = throwInstruction;
> while (current != null && exceptionParameters != 0) {
> if (current.OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr) {
> string operand = (string) current.Operand;
> //The second operand, a parameter name
> if (exceptionParameters == 2) {
> if (!MatchesAnyParameter (method, operand))
> return false;
> }
> //The first operand, would be handy to
> //have a description
> else {
> //Where are you calling in order
> //to get the message
> if (current.Next != null && current.Next.OpCode.FlowControl == FlowControl.Call) {
> exceptionParameters--;
> continue;
> }
> if (!operand.Contains (" "))
> return false;
> }
> exceptionParameters--;
> }
> current = current.Previous;
> }
> return true;
> }
> static bool MatchesAnyParameter (MethodDefinition method, string operand)
> {
> foreach (ParameterDefinition parameter in method.Parameters) {
> if (String.Compare (parameter.Name, operand) == 0)
> return true;
> }
> return false;
> }
> public static bool ParameterIsDescription (MethodDefinition method, Instruction throwInstruction)
> {
> Instruction current = throwInstruction;
> while (current != null) {
> if (current.OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr)
> return !MatchesAnyParameter (method, (string) current.Operand);
> current = current.Previous;
> }
> return true;
> }
> private static bool IsArgumentException (TypeReference exceptionType)
> {
> return Array.IndexOf (checkedExceptions, exceptionType.FullName) == 0;
> }
> private static bool ContainsOnlyStringsAsParameters (MethodReference method)
> {
> foreach (ParameterDefinition parameter in method.Parameters) {
> if (parameter.ParameterType.FullName != "System.String")
> return false;
> }
> return true;
> }
> public RuleResult CheckMethod (MethodDefinition method)
> {
> if (!method.HasBody)
> return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;
> foreach (Instruction current in method.Body.Instructions) {
> if (current.OpCode != OpCodes.Throw)

Don't compare OpCode (struct), compare OpCode.Code (enum) instead.

> continue;

Would not the logic be easier if the rules checks for NewObj ? and
simply look at the type being created ?

That would also cover the case where a method returns a constructed
exception (or null) for the caller to throw (if non-null) - i.e. the
newobj and throw instruction can be in separate methods.

> TypeReference exceptionType = GetArgumentExceptionThrown (current);
> if (exceptionType == null)
> continue;
> MethodReference constructor = (MethodReference) current.Previous.Operand;
> if (!ContainsOnlyStringsAsParameters (constructor))
> continue;
> int parameters = constructor.Parameters.Count;
> if (IsArgumentException (exceptionType)) {
> if (parameters == 1 && !ParameterIsDescription (method, current)) {
> Runner.Report (method, current, Severity.High, Confidence.Normal, "The parameter for this signature should be a description, not a parameter name.");
> continue;
> }
> if (parameters == 2 && !ParameterNameIsLastOperand (method, current, parameters))
> Runner.Report (method, current, Severity.High, Confidence.Normal, "The parameter order should be first the description and second the parameter name.");
> }
> else {
> if (parameters == 1 && ParameterIsDescription (method, current)) {
> Runner.Report (method, current, Severity.High, Confidence.Normal, "The parameter for this signature should be the parameter name.");
> continue;
> }
> if (parameters == 2 && ParameterNameIsLastOperand (method, current, parameters))
> Runner.Report (method, current, Severity.High, Confidence.Normal, "The parameter order should be first the parameter name and second the description.");
> }
> }
> return Runner.CurrentRuleResult;
> }
> }
> }

Feel free to commit after the fixes!
> C# source attachment (InstantiateArgumentExceptionCorrectlyTest.cs)


Tests looks great (I'll look at coverage once they are committed) but
please add the one where an exception is returned, without being thrown,
by a method.


Néstor Salceda

Aug 15, 2008, 4:53:33 PM8/15/08
to gend...@googlegroups.com, mono-s...@googlegroups.com
El mié, 13-08-2008 a las 20:41 -0400, Sebastien Pouliot escribió:
> Hola Nestor,
> Sorry for the delay in replying to this email (it seems that other
> emails just kept popping up on top of it ;-)
> On Tue, 2008-07-29 at 20:14 +0200, Néstor Salceda wrote:
> > Hey,
> >
> > A bit delayed, but I think the rule is ready for being commited to the
> > repository. Take a look and review, please :)
> >
> > I think that this rule is going to be really useful, because there are
> > a lot of violations and I have tweaked it in order to achieve really few
> > false positives.
> Could you give me (or add to the unit tests, ignored) some examples
> where the rule reports false positives ?

Yes, I have detected a false positive when you are loading the string
message from a local, by example:

string msg = String.Format ("The value {0} isn't the expected", value);
throw new ArgumentNullException ("parameter", msg);

It only happens with ArgumentNullException, ArgumentOutOfRangeException
and DuplicateWaitObjectException.

Anyways, I could do as the case when you are calling a method in order
to get the message.

> ...
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > C# source attachment (InstantiateArgumentExceptionCorrectlyRule.cs)
> >
> ...
> > namespace Gendarme.Rules.Exceptions {
> > [Problem ("You are not passing the arguments in the correct order to ArgumentException and derived. You are hiding useful information to developers.")]
> it's not just about order (like the patches you sent me proves :-) it
> could also be some bad value, so what about something like:
> "This method throws ArgumentException (or derived) exceptions
> without specifying an existing parameter name. This can hide
> useful information to developers."
> > [Solution ("Fix the order of the parameters following the recomendations.")]
> typo, "recommendation" - but since it's not just about ordering I
> suggest:
> "Fix the exception parameters to use the correct parameter name
> (or make sure the parameters are in the right order)."

Cool, your descriptions are better than mine ones.

> > public class InstantiateArgumentExceptionCorrectlyRule : Rule, IMethodRule {
> > static string[] checkedExceptions = {
> > "System.ArgumentException",
> > "System.ArgumentNullException",
> > "System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException",
> > "System.DuplicateWaitObjectException"
> > };
> >
> > public static TypeReference GetArgumentExceptionThrown (Instruction throwInstruction)
> > {
> > if (throwInstruction.Previous.OpCode == OpCodes.Newobj) {
> > Instruction instantiation = throwInstruction.Previous;
> > MethodReference method = (MethodReference) instantiation.Operand;
> > if (Array.IndexOf (checkedExceptions, method.DeclaringType.FullName) != -1)
> I think you could reuse the IsArgumentException method here

Not really, because in this condition I'm checking if the exception
type is a type which should be checked. The IsArgumentException only
returns true with ArgumentException (it checks if the index is the first

Okey, this is patched now.

> > continue;
> Would not the logic be easier if the rules checks for NewObj ? and
> simply look at the type being created ?
> That would also cover the case where a method returns a constructed
> exception (or null) for the caller to throw (if non-null) - i.e. the
> newobj and throw instruction can be in separate methods.

I will study this corner case, because it's interesting. Anyways, the
more frequent case is create a new ArgumentException and throw it.

> >
> > TypeReference exceptionType = GetArgumentExceptionThrown (current);
> > if (exceptionType == null)
> > continue;
> >
> > MethodReference constructor = (MethodReference) current.Previous.Operand;
> > if (!ContainsOnlyStringsAsParameters (constructor))
> > continue;
> >
> > int parameters = constructor.Parameters.Count;
> >
> > if (IsArgumentException (exceptionType)) {
> > if (parameters == 1 && !ParameterIsDescription (method, current)) {
> > Runner.Report (method, current, Severity.High, Confidence.Normal, "The parameter for this signature should be a description, not a parameter name.");
> > continue;
> > }
> >
> > if (parameters == 2 && !ParameterNameIsLastOperand (method, current, parameters))
> > Runner.Report (method, current, Severity.High, Confidence.Normal, "The parameter order should be first the description and second the parameter name.");
> > }
> > else {
> > if (parameters == 1 && ParameterIsDescription (method, current)) {
> > Runner.Report (method, current, Severity.High, Confidence.Normal, "The parameter for this signature should be the parameter name.");
> > continue;
> > }
> > if (parameters == 2 && ParameterNameIsLastOperand (method, current, parameters))
> > Runner.Report (method, current, Severity.High, Confidence.Normal, "The parameter order should be first the parameter name and second the description.");
> > }
> > }
> >
> > return Runner.CurrentRuleResult;
> > }
> > }
> > }
> Feel free to commit after the fixes!

Cool :)

> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > C# source attachment (InstantiateArgumentExceptionCorrectlyTest.cs)
> ...
> Tests looks great (I'll look at coverage once they are committed) but
> please add the one where an exception is returned, without being thrown,
> by a method.

Okey Sebastien, I have added the test; and as I expected that method
isn't caught by the rule (it returns success).

Thanks you!

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