FastCGI ASP.NET Server Status Report 12

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Brian Nickel

Aug 23, 2007, 11:36:01 PM8/23/07
to mono-soc-2007
This is the final status report for the FastCGI ASP.NET Server. Due to
the combination of a cold and schlepping around campus in 105F weather
(40.6C where applicable), I've been a bit delirious. But not that my
head is clearing, here's the info you've been waiting for.


The last week was a bit sparse on accomplishments. I had a lot of
preparation to do to prep for the first week of school, and most
problems have been resolved, but the following changes were made:

- Application checking was reworked to verify that Web.Config also
exists. As it stands, the application manager checks for both
Web.Config and Bin when adding an application. Web.Config doesn't
necessarily mean something is an application, but the lack of it means
that it isn't. (I've been told this is a IIS rule.)

- Requests that are directories but don't end in a slash are
redirected to the one with a slash.

- Case insensitive checking is used for "Web.Config", "Bin", and index
pages to improve compatibility.

- Log levels can be set in the command line.

- Log messages can be sent to the standard output.

- ConfigurationManager.xml has been reorganized to group commands more


At this point, the FastCGI Mono Server works completely with Lighttpd
and Abyss, and when used with Apache and mod_fcgid, behaves like the
default config supplied with mod_mono.

Cherokee has some problems when multiple requests are sent at the same
time, but this may be a problem on either end. (In most cases, the
mistake has been on my end.)


src/Mono.WebServer: Much of my work on Mono.WebServer is to be
refactored and worked into Mono.WebServer (XSP package). This may mean
automatic mapping support in mod_mono as well in the future.

src/Mono.WebServer.FastCgi: Most of the Mono.WebServer.FastCgi stuff
will be restructured to and made more generic (think
Mono.WebServer.CgiRequestWorker and Mono.WebServer.CgiApplicationHost)
which will be reusable for things like SCGI support. This means
fastcgi-mono-server may appear in XSP as well.

src/Mono.FastCgi: Support still needs to be finished for the
Authorizer and Filter roles, and some renaming/FxCop/Gendarme needs to
be applied. In the near future, I recommend bundling it with your
application if you're using it, but in the distant future, I expect it
to be API stable/GAC-able.

Unfortunately, I will be taking 19 credit hours this semester, to
accelerate my transition from Chemical to Computer Systems
Engineering. This means I'll have much less time to contribute, but I
will continue to work on this (and my other) project.

Brian Nickel

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