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Patch for issue #13 (crashes on startup on osx)

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Ionut Bizau

Nov 29, 2008, 11:41:56 PM11/29/08
This patch fixes both issues listed in issue #13

Basically, since OS X 10.5 returns 9.5.1 for
Environment.OSVersion.Version, the check for Vista passed (Vista is
6.0) and some Vista-specific code got executed.

Since we plan to ship a complete replacement of SystemLayer.dll (not
patch the existing one), I think always returning false from
IsVistaOrLater is totally OK.
In the second case, the version number was directly compared (instead
of using IsVistaOrLater), but I think we can completely remove that

Any opinions?


Miguel de Icaza

Nov 30, 2008, 3:10:03 AM11/30/08
to Ionut Bizau,

    This sounds like a good patch.

    In the future though, I think I want to bring back the original SystemLayer.dll for Windows so that we can redistribute mono-paint on Windows as well (now that Paint.NET is no longer released as open source code).


Ionut Bizau

Nov 30, 2008, 3:35:27 AM11/30/08
to Miguel de Icaza,
Sad to hear PDN is not open source any more. There's not much
information available about this change.

I guess that will make Mono Paint more a fork than a port. How will we
handle this? Are you planning to maintain two different versions of
SystemLayer.dll? Or use a single source and if statements?
Also, is the version we have in SVN in sync with the last version of
PDN that was still open source? If not, I guess we should update it to
that point.

Miguel de Icaza

Nov 30, 2008, 3:42:21 AM11/30/08
to Ionut Bizau,

Sad to hear PDN is not open source any more. There's not much
information available about this change.

I just heard about this today.
I guess that will make Mono Paint more a fork than a port. How will we
handle this? Are you planning to maintain two different versions of
SystemLayer.dll? Or use a single source and if statements?

A simple trick for now would be to keep two SystemLayer.dll libraries, but we can always refactor the code in the future.

But we can open up the development for Mono-Paint to the Windows crowd as well.

Also, is the version we have in SVN in sync with the last version of
PDN that was still open source? If not, I guess we should update it to
that point.

The version on SVN is from Paint.NET 3.0.something;   Sadly I did not update to newer versions of the source, and the source is no longer available.   

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