I am a great fan of paint.net and and a linux user so i have have
prayed for the day an official project wil start. Today my dream came
true after i git Miguel's mail. My question is mainly, what can i do?
I dont have any programming skills. I you guy's want, i can set up a
cummunuty website or something like that, i have expirience in
building community websites with portal forum etc.
Or is there anything else i can do? I allready have posted about this
project on several dutch forums.
Greets Emiel
> I am a great fan of paint.net and and a linux user so i have have
> prayed for the day an official project wil start. Today my dream came
> true after i git Miguel's mail. My question is mainly, what can i do?
> I dont have any programming skills. I you guy's want, i can set up a
> cummunuty website or something like that, i have expirience in
> building community websites with portal forum etc.
In the short term, I think that we first need to complete the port,
and fix the issues in Mono that will come up. Once we are done with
that, we should be ready to expand our reach. Right now we already
have two sites: the forums at google and the google code hosting which
should be enough to get started.
Once the project matures and can be shipped we will certainly need
more help
> To bad i can't do anything yet.
I did think of a very useful thing to do.
Would you be willing to build Paint.NET with the SVN MonoDevelop and
start testing it and filing issues for it? It would give us a clear
path of things that are broken and missing.