How to query for fields and fields in nested array

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Peter Tinder

Sep 12, 2015, 6:43:31 AM9/12/15
to Mongoose Node.JS ODM

I have a document like this:

    "InDate": "11.09.2015",
    "Kst2Kst": true,
    "OutDate": "11.09.2015",
    "__v": 0,
    "_id": ObjectId('55f2df2d7e12a9f1f52837e6'),
    "accepted": true,
    "inventar": [
            "accepted": "1",
            "name": "AAAA",
            "isstammkost": true,
            "stammkost": "IWXI"
            "accepted": "1",
            "name": "BBBB",
            "isstammkost": false,
            "stammkost": "null"

I want to select some data from the main document and the data with "isstammkost": true in the inventar-array.

 Move.findOne({tablename: tablename, accepted : true, "inventar.isstammkost" : true}, 'OutDate InDate inventar.ean', {"inventar.$": 1}, function(err, res) {...

It doesn't work -> It selects all, even with inventar.isstammkost : false. The "normal" query works like I want (without criteria in nested array). Whats the right way to set criteria in nested array?

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