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Matthew Ellison

Jan 16, 2015, 11:27:50 AM1/16/15
Hello All,

I recently reached out to Rozza about being able to dedicate some development resources towards MongoEngine. He suggested dropping a message here to request becoming a project maintainer. 

There is a new initiative at my place of employment that has given me the opportunity to spend dedicated time working on open source projects. We had previously maintained our own in-house version of MongoEngine, but I have convinced my employer that it would be more beneficial for both us and the project if we instead used the upstream project and simply contributed all newer changes.

Let me know if you any questions or concerns. I look forward to the potential of working with you all on the project, and would like to say thank you for all the awesome work done so far by all the contributors. 

Matthew Ellison
GitHub: @seglberg

Ross Lawley

Jan 20, 2015, 1:00:20 PM1/20/15
No objections from me!  Any specific he should focus on maintainers?



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Matthew Ellison

Jan 23, 2015, 9:53:28 AM1/23/15

I look forward to hearing from the other maintainers, but I know we all lead busy lives and reaching out can sometimes be difficult due to such time constraints.

As for an area of focus, I would like to see some solid decisions for the 0.9 release. There has been some discussion here and on GitHub ( but its still a little shaky as to when/what that looks like. I do not mean to come on strong, I come from a very structured environment and so my mind operates along those lines. :)

Determine what and when 0.9.0 will look like when its finished
  • What pull requests, other features, and fixes to include before fast-forwarding and ‘feature-freezing’ the 0.9 branch? (We have the ones labelled 0.9 in GitHub, but I also have some open PRs that would merge in nicely for 0.9).
  • A target date to release a sanctioned “beta” build of 0.9 (possibly release it on pypi to increase testing coverage, not entirely use of implications there).
  • Documentation Updates.
GitHub Issues
  • There are a lot of “stale” issues on GitHub which are still open. ~200 at the time of writing. I would like to start going through them and closing out issues that have had no movement in a while.
  • Stale pull requests.
  • I see some other discussion on here about tweaking the labels and milestones to better facilitate project management. I would have to agree with tweaking the labels/milestones to better organize development.
  • Results in PRs seem to be a little unreliable, probably some investigation needs to be done to find out exactly what is going on.
  • If possible, I think we should start supporting multiple versions of docs. I have never administered a RTD page before, but I know I have seen some where you can select a version to display.
  • Help support individuals/organizations that cannot upgrade to 0.9 immediately.

I will say, I do not have any experience with Django, so I will be slow to start working on MongoEngine-Django integration issues.
As always, I hope to get some feedback and discussion going on the topics I listed above, or if I am really going off the reservation, please let me know!


Matthieu Rigal

Mar 22, 2015, 1:11:57 PM3/22/15
Hi Matthew and all,

I didn't answered to the mail at the beginning because it was not addressed to me. I think it is great if you can help and I am perfectly inline with your agenda. I also come from a very structured world and the main problem of mongoengine is not the absence of volunteers and PRs to make the project successful, but the absence of management of that project.

I really like some of the work you made for mongoengine and I hope to be able to find it soon in a next release. I hope you can become a maintainer also ! I am also very willing to contribute, and more as I did in the past. 

Unfortunately, I asked 6 months ago "What do we need to release 0.9?" Ross pointed me to 2 open bugs, I submitted 2 PRs and they are still open...

It is also useless to have many maintainers if they never have time, never read/answer in the google group or are not ready to take position on a subject/PR.

It is really a pity that MongoDB dropped any kind of support (even just a motivation for one or two employees) to mongoengine.

I hope this can get somehow better, but I'm reluctant to submit other PRs/optimizations to a repo where nothing is working. We also have (and use) our own fork and in case nothing moves, we may think of making a separated fork of mongoengine including releases, merging also some of Matthew's work.


Serge Matveenko

Mar 23, 2015, 5:18:47 AM3/23/15
Hello, guys!

I will try to be fair. I really have no time to support MongoEngine
development on regular basis. That is why I've just removed my Github
account from MongoEngine team.

It is possible that you will see a pull request from me or some
another kind of participation. But I cannot handle any kind of
responsibility inside the project at this time.

Anyway keep up the good work all of you.
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Serge Matveenko

Marcel van den Elst

Apr 14, 2015, 8:47:13 AM4/14/15
Hi all,

We've been using MongoEngine in production for a few years. But have come to the point that we cannot upgrade due to 3 open bugs (

We've created mongoengine-relational and mongoengine-privileges and TastyMongo (, so are quite invested, which seemed a good choice at the time when activity was teeming (specially from @rozza at the time). 

What interests me is how large a user base there is: how many people besides us are actually using mongoengine in production? 

Matthieu Rigal

Apr 20, 2015, 1:00:52 PM4/20/15
Hi Marcel,

I think quite a bit of people! We are also using mongoengine on production, for a very big system, with half a billion of objects in our biggest database.

Mongoengine is great and so many people are providing issues and pull requests that it is obviously used a lot, also in production!

Can I know why the PR #946 for PyMongo3 support doesn't get merged? All tests passes and it brings a lot for many users.
Same for the great Tox PR.
Generally, besides the effort from Omer mainly, the review and support loop for all people proposing PR and reporting issues is still slow.

I don't understand why not more people get maintainers privileges. I understood your point Ross, why you can't make so much anymore, but then, you need to enlarge the team. Omer is doing a good job, but excepts sometimes David and rarely Yohan, nothing is happening. I thank Serge for having been fair and he will be anytime welcome in the future if he has some more time.

But now, I don't understand why people like Matthew or myself are not "promoted" to maintainers...

At least, if you prefer to stay a small closed circle, update the group description 
"Welcome to MongoEngine user group.

Looking for Contributors and Maintainers!"


Ross Lawley

Apr 22, 2015, 5:47:04 AM4/22/15

I think part of the issue is the current maintainers aren't active on this list - rather just use github,  it's far from an ideal situation but it is where we are.  I feel bad because it is the reason Matthew didn't get a response and he deserved one and we welcome his support.

I am still looking for a maintainer to lead the project, Omer has been doing great work and the primary focus has been on Github.  So please persevere, I'm still looking to hand control over the Github MongoEngine to whomever will carry to torch for MongoEngine!  I just need someone to want to do it and the best way is to ask!

>But now, I don't understand why people like Matthew or myself are not "promoted" to maintainers...

I can find no reason and have invited you both to the project.


Matthieu Rigal

Apr 22, 2015, 5:52:32 AM4/22/15
Thanks Ross, it will help a lot for being able to tag PR for example.

Matthew Ellison

Apr 24, 2015, 12:06:40 PM4/24/15
Thanks everyone for the response to the thread and thanks Ross for the invitation.

I do agree there seems to be a split of communication channels and I hope things do improve over time. I had recently taken some time off work and moved into a new location but I am now back to work and look forward to helping the project move forward. I was also very happy to see that 0.9 was finally released and I believe that goes a long way to help build up momentum for the project.

Coming back to the communication channels... I do hope we can find a better way for maintainers to connect and discuss features and changes. I know I have a few from our internal work that we would still like to discuss with the community and get feedback on whether or not we want to port them upstream.

Matthew Ellison

Apr 24, 2015, 12:09:42 PM4/24/15
In response to Marcel's question -- I do believe there is a decent user base out there, judging by the number of open issues and weekly velocity, especially when 0.9 came along and broke backwards compatibility with a few things. :)
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