[java] MongoCollection.findOneAndUpdate() doc problem?

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Alan Williamson

no leída,
29 sept 2015, 2:39:51 p.m.29/9/2015
para mongodb-user
Good day all,

I am looking at the documentation for the Java driver for 3.0.4

This is the function signature:

void findOneAndUpdate(Bson filter,
                      Bson update,
                      FindOneAndUpdateOptions options,
                      SingleResultCallback<TDocument> callback)

However the 3.0.4 driver does not have this signature, it is missing the callback parameter and instead has the following signature:

Document findOneAndUpdate(Bson filter,
                      Bson update,
                      FindOneAndUpdateOptions options )

So there is something out of sync somewhere.

Anyone else noticed this problem?   Is there any JavaDoc documentation for 3.0.4 that actually matches the jar?



Jeff Yemin

no leída,
29 sept 2015, 2:52:10 p.m.29/9/2015
para mongod...@googlegroups.com
Hi Allan

The 3.0 Java driver has both synchronous and asynchronous versions of MongoClient, MongoDatabase, and MongoCollection. The synchronous ones are in the com.mongodb.client package, while the asynchronous ones are in the com.mongodb.async.client package.

For more information about the synchronous and asynchronous drivers, have a look at the reference documentation.

Apologies for the confusion. I'll think about if there's anything we can or should do to reduce the possibility for confusion.


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Alan Williamson

no leída,
29 sept 2015, 4:10:47 p.m.29/9/2015
para mongodb-user
Wonderful Jeff ... this explains it.

I am currently porting over the Mongo integration of OpenBD to use the new 3.0 world and use there was definitely some confusion.

Thank you
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