MongoDB 3.6.3 is out and is ready for production deployment. This release contains only fixes since 3.6.2, and is a recommended upgrade for all 3.6 users.
Fixed in this release:
SERVER-32441 3.6 mongod crash on find with index and nested $and/$or
SERVER-32473 Error loading history file on first shell usage
SERVER-32606 Tailing oplog on secondary fails with CappedPositionLost
SERVER-32631 specifying --bind_ip localhost results in error "address already in use"
SERVER-32690 Aggregation can trip invariant related to renamed fields optimization
SERVER-33005 Contained $or access planning is incorrect for $elemMatch object, results in invariant failure
SERVER-33140 mongodb+srv URI support broken on shell v3.6.2 for Windows
3.6 Release Notes | All Issues | Downloads
For more information about MongoDB 3.6, read the What’s New in MongoDB 3.6 white paper
Get up to speed on MongoDB 3.6 with the MongoDB 3.6 Online Course
As always, please let us know of any issues.
-- The MongoDB Team