Re: MongoDb Stitch not-working with heroku hosting

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Mohsin Hayat

Jul 17, 2019, 6:07:12 AM7/17/19
to MongoDB Stitch Users

I don't think you're doing this right. Atlas and Stitch are two separate entities developed for two different purposes. Stitch is similar to the functionality and purpose of Heroku. And Atlas is a nosql database hosting on cloud.

Does your code work on local host? If yes, it might be environment variables that are running on your local machine but not on your Heroku Host. Please recheck your variables with the names "process.env.VARIABLE" and then create the variables in your Heroku Config Vars. Hopefully, this will solve your issue. 

On Sunday, June 9, 2019 at 12:59:22 AM UTC+5, Evgenii Shevchenko wrote:
Hosting heroku returns an error 503 request when connecting to Atlas mongodb from inside the heroku hosting
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