Or updated via "gem update"
* New top level class Mongo::MongoClient acknowledges writes by default
* New top level class Mongo::ReplSetClient acknowledges writes by default
* New top level class Mongo::ShardedClient acknowledges writes by default
* MongoClient, MongoReplicaSetClient, MongoShardedClient and GridFS implement a new write concern interface at Client, DB, Collection, and Operation levels
* Deprecation of Mongo::Connection in favor of Mongo::MongoClient
* Deprecation of Mongo::ReplSetConnection in favor of Mongo::MongoReplicaSetClient
* Deprecation of Mongo::ShardedConnection in favor of Mongo::MongoShardedClient
* Allow specification of comment query opt (Evan Broder)
* Fix for pool authentication and logout (Olivier Bonnaure)
* Fix for cursor not being closed in presense of exceptions (Simon Simeonov)
* Fix for data send failure not closing socket (Nelson Elhage)
* Tutorials and non code documentation moved to GitHub wiki
As always, please report any and all issues on Jira.