Rail Trail fence painting , clean-up

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ERT - Mike Breiding

Oct 10, 2024, 1:44:08 PMOct 10
to CRC List, Mon Bike Club

Hey trail friends,

If any of you want to volunteer or know those who might-  trail fence painting in the Wharf is planned-

Monday, October 14
Meeting in Trailhead Parking close to the Morgantown Dam / next to Automax (525 Don Knotts Blvd)
Painting trail fence near Mariott Hotel and event center
Danielle will bring supplies  (bring your own gloves if you have them, wear clothes that might get paint on them)
Cancelled if rain between Sunday afternoon and Monday afternoon

I am looking for help clearing out abandoned homeless camps along Mon River Trail from MUB to mile 12.  If you are willing to help- email me and we plan a day and time-  some bags just need to be loaded up to trail.  el...@montrails.org

Ella Belling
Executive Director
Mon River Trails Conservancy
P.O. Box 282
Morgantown, WV 26507
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