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Next Weekend: CRC Spring Spectacular Ride

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kelly williams

Apr 20, 2022, 6:29:44 AM4/20/22
to monbikeclub

Join us for the Bill Foster Memorial Spring Bike Weekend on Saturday, April 30 and Sunday, May 1


Saturday, April 30 at 12:00 NOON West Fork River Trail and   Bill Foster Memorial Ride Kelly Williams 304-276-5530

(*,T) 26 miles. Meet at the parking lot next to the Big Lots in Fairmont on Country Club Road. We will bike along the West Fork Trail to Shinnston, then return. Snacks available in Shinnston, and  Shinnston also has a bike shop (Pike Street Bikes). Note - there is a half mile gravel trail at the start of the ride.

We will be joined on this memorial ride by members of the Harrison Rail Trail Club, in which Bill Foster was also an officer.

Sunday, May 1 at 9:00 AM Spring Spectacular Bike Ride and Bill Foster Memorial Ride Kelly Williams 304-276-5530

(***,R) 25, 45, or 60 miles. Meet at the Wharf District Parking Garage (40 Clay Street). Choose either a 25, 45, or 60 mile road ride on scenic roads in Mon county and Greene County. This will be a road ride through the hills of Greene County, PA. Helmet required.

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