Statewide Vulnerable Road User assessment

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Christiaan Abildso

Sep 11, 2023, 10:26:49 AM9/11/23
to Bicycle Board, Mon Bike Club, BikeMorgantown, Country Road Cyclists, Country Roads Cyclists, Ped Board, Christiaan Abildso' via Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board
Greetings all -
I am part of an oversight group for a statewide Vulnerable Road User (VRU) assessment. VRUs are, essentially, all road users that are not in vehicles.
They have a great set of data to categorize street segments. This is a federal requirement by the FHWA, but the consultants leading this from Burgess & Niple are doing a thorough job. They are collecting survey data around the state, and have indicated they have a lot more survey responses from pedestrians than bicyclists.
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